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The Gateway's Best Commercials/Jingles

.....The scene opens on two children sitting by a tent camping out in their parent's backyard looking up at the stars saying "....I wish I may, I wish I might...." Then there is a flash of engine exhaust and landing thrusters as the 'stars' turn out to be the running lights of a huge Subsidized Merchant. The camera pulls back to show the back yard is on a hill overlooking the starport and the ship lands impressively as the children watch in awe.

The scene resets to presumably the next night where the same two children are sitting out at their tent, but they are joined by twenty of their playmates...all of them are looking up and saying "...I wish I may I wish I might...." At the top of the screen come the words TUKURA SPACELINES.
Originally posted by Elliott James:

Look on the Vargrs face as you blow him away - priceless.
Hey now! I don't think that's appropriate. *Looks off camera and whispers, "did you trace the IP?"*

There's also: Man in a spacesuit, adrift in deep space, slowly floating past the camera. "Can you hear me now? Good!"

RV ;)
...Same scene with Free Trader touching down...
A man steps out and checks his pockets, looks dazed...lost even...

Screen flashes to picture of BTC galaxy view (red white/black CT Traveller map). arrow points to Trojan reaches..
"You are here"...three seconds...
arrow appears, somewhere in Ley-Gateway region:
"You're luggage is here!"
Scene of stuff being kicked off another freighter...

"You're in laws are here(arrow to Capital/Core sector)".

Scene of In-laws arriving at Capital looking for son in law...

Oberlinde lines...when you really need to get away from the house and family squabbles..." Now booking flights to Foreven and Beyond!
Just for the record...

The Havacola slogan is:

Wantacola? Havacola! Havacola? Havanother!!!

and all these commercials are GREAT and I think they all would ADD to any Traveller game's atmosphere.

Bravo all!!

The Man Behind the Curtain
Well gee... aww shucks Bruce...thanks!
;) :D
And i like the one about the Marines...

That one is just got ALL the classic tugs and pulls...

Tis beautiful...beautiful propaganda!


In fact I might use it on my group tonight at the game store...I will print it out...*grin*

The Man Behind the Curtain

P.S. Oh and Liam, no thanks needed, always give credit where credit it due! That way they know who to put up aganst the wall...*WG*
Originally posted by Bruce:
And i like the one about the Marines...

That one is just got ALL the classic tugs and pulls...

Tis beautiful...beautiful propaganda!


In fact I might use it on my group tonight at the game store...I will print it out...*grin*

Agreed!Good choice...

P.S. Oh and Liam, no thanks needed, always give credit where credit it due! That way they know who to put up aganst the wall...*WG*
well, thats a sure fire way to not make it to 41!WEG!
Time for another intro....

[Setting: The busy Main Concourse of Annapabar Highport]

The camera, at ground level, zooms across the concourse and focuses on a lone Hiver, pack on back, moving toward the camera, "fingers" wiggling. [180 turn] The camera, at the same angle, zooms in on an Aslan female, advancing intently straight toward the camera. [Change angle - the two meet in the centre of the concourse]


Paul Nemeth
a snackbar bot rolls by, halts between two aliens The Aslani lady & Hiver order...Corndogs(!!!)

The Hiver wiggles *fingers* at the bot, as the Aslani bristles at the unremarkable corndogs
growls at bot...

...and the Hiver's voder speaks," Have any Grey Poupon?"
I am in absolute awe at the creativity displayed in this thread. I'm pretty sure I'd be scared to play with you guys and see what you can do with a mundane old adventure. :eek:
Originally posted by Antares Administration:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
...and the Hiver's voder speaks," Have any Grey Poupon?"
Liam, I am amazed. ;) That is so incredibly tasteful!

Paul Nemeth
<bows> my wife (the Chatelaine here) thought so too!<bows again>
Originally posted by Vargas:
I am in absolute awe at the creativity displayed in this thread. I'm pretty sure I'd be scared to play with you guys and see what you can do with a mundane old adventure. :eek:
"Be afraid, be very afraid," ( or as former GMs have said of me--beware of Liam when he gets that 'What would bugs Bunny do right now look on his face' !) ;) :D :cool:
The camera starts out at floor level. It is obvious that this is a very posh house, full of expensive items. In the background there is soft jazz playing, and we are able to catch snatches of conversation amid occasional, slightly muffled laughter: ". . . investment really paid off . . . ," " . . . a stunning production. Really, it took my breath away . . . ," ". . . as if barons never go bowling . . . ," " . . . good book. I'll loan it to you . . . ," ". . . my private stock. A fat trader brings them for me special . . . "

Meanwhile, the camera continues to move through the multi-room residence. It enters the kitchen, where a large staff of white-suited chefs are preparing elegant dishes with fresh, exotic ingredients. Tuxedoed servants pick up plates of fine china bearing courses artistically arranged, and carry them through a swinging door. Another servant grabs a fresh bottle of wine out of a seperate cooler, opens it, then carries it through the door. The camera follows him into an elegant, formal dining room. At a long table, 20 people are seated, having dinner. The women are all young and beautiful, wearing the latest fashions. The men all look a bit older, and are well dressed; some are in formal military uniforms. The white-gloved servant with the bottle of wine carries it to the distinguished looking gentleman sitting at the head of the table. He looks fit, tan, handsome, dark hair just starting to go grey at the temples. The servant holds the bottle out so the man can read the label; he nods to the servant, who starts to pour into a long-stem crystal wine glass.

The man at the head of the table picks up the glass and hands it offcamera to someone seated to his right and says: "Here, Admiral, this is that wine I was telling you about earlier. I have it shipped all the way from Crucis Margin . . . "

The camera switches to a long shot of the diners, as a man's rich-sounding voice says: "Sharurshid. We provide the good life. You just have to live it."
Camera opens on a star field, with the shot slowly tracking forward and to the right. Slowly the stars form into a familiar pattern -- it's a map of Ley Sector. The camera continues to move closer to the stars and to the right (trailing), then begins to zoom in on one dot of light far to trailing, over the Imperial border.

The dot of light becomes a star. The camera enters the system, moving through the outer planets, past gas giants and planetoid belts, until it reaches the habitable zone. It closes in on a planet there, a planet with no traffic around it, no artificial satellites or high port in orbit.

The camera continues into the atmosphere, down through the clouds into a hot, arid world. Very few bodies of water are visable. The camera zooms down toward one of the largest bodies of water, barely a good-sized lake. There is no down port, and not many buildings -- just a few prefab habitats, a power plant and water processing unit in a fenced enclosure near the lake, a few other buildings like a school and a small hospital. This is obviously a frontier world with a small settlement, but it is not clear what kind -- maybe a new colony, maybe a research station, maybe a corporate facility. Probably fewer than 1,000 people live here.

There is a large, flat area on the edge of the settlement with a small shack nearby, with a tall tower holding a beacon and a wind sock. The camera begins to slow as it descends toward the landing spot. Dirt starts to kick up, and it becomes obvious that a starship is landing, with the camera's POV being from the starship. The camera pulls back enough to show it was looking out a porthole in a door.

The door opens out into the world, which is bright from the hot sun. A loading ramp descends to the surface, and someone begins to walk down the ramp. We can see his boots as they take steps. The POV is that person's. When he reaches the bottom of the ramp, he looks toward the settlement. People are headed toward the ship, mostly women and small children. They all look grimy, and sweaty, and are wearing clothing which has been repeatedly patched. One woman with a young boy heads straight for the camera. The camera heads for them, then stops when it reaches them.

Now the camera changes, swinging around to reveal the person who has just stepped off the starship as he greets the pair. He is a tall, handsome, smartly dressed Traveller, wearing a vest with multiple pockets over his work clothes. He smiles at the young boy, reaches down with his right hand to gently tossle the boy's hair as his left hand opens a vest pocket. He pulls out a candy bar and hands it to the boy. The boy is wide-eyed and smiling. The mother looks down at the boy and she, too, is smiling.

Over the shoulder of the man, we see other crew members from the ship begin to unload cargo. Two people are carrying bushel baskets of fresh fruit down the loading ramp. Inside the ship, someone is getting ready to drive a brand new tractor down the ramp.

The camera then pans to the side a little, so we can see the painted logo on the side of the far trader. It carries a large, stylized MAE. A woman's voice, with a slight British accent, says: "MAE Lines. Bringing civilization one jump closer."
Originally posted by Paraquat Johnson:
Camera opens on a star field, with the shot slowly tracking forward and to the right. Slowly the stars form into a familiar pattern -- it's a map of Ley Sector....

The camera then pans to the side a little, so we can see the painted logo on the side of the far trader. It carries a large, stylized MAE. A woman's voice, with a slight British accent, says: "MAE Lines. Bringing civilization one jump closer."
Beautiful, and fitting perfectly with the Gateway motif. I like it!

Paul Nemeth
Originally posted by Paraquat Johnson:
". . . as if barons never go bowling . . . ,"
Now THAT is the quote of the week! I could build an entire adventure around that! It's one of those marketing lines that can stick in people's minds. Like "Zoom, zoom".

Paul Nemeth
A sullen, rocky landscape appears on camera with the soundtrack nothing but a hissing, sizzling wind. A planetary UPP comes on the screen: X5C0000-0

A man in a spacesuit walks into the shot carrying a small metal pedestal type table and a reinforced case. After setting up the table he opens a compartment on the case and takes out a glass and a thermos. He opens the thermos and pours the contents into the glass. The liquid immediately boils and the glass shatters. He stands there for a moment, then the man opens the case and pulls out a book idly thumbing through it as it bursts into flame. The man stands for a moment then reaches to pick up the case, but the handle breaks off and crumbles in his hand. The scene is suddenly filled with a close up of a metal plate with the words

"How good is YOUR suit?"

The scene goes back to the hostile environment and the man in the spacesuit is looking on either side of him where the metal table and the case have melted into lumps of smouldering slag.........
Paraquat, yer scenery pieces fer Sharurshid & MAE lines LIC were top shelf! Keep up the good work!
Way Kewl! :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

your fellow heretic,