But, if the planet has a number of "spinal" weapons disposed for planetary defense and these are the largest available (energy isn't going to be an issue like it is on a ship) and they are well protected (again, armoring them is not a space and weight issue here) against enemy fire, these become the first line of defense for the world.
Shame they are not represented in FFW, where your fleet can bomb planetary troops without any risk (as long as the SDB fleet has been dealt with)...
I'd expect the IA to be the ones manning these defenses along with providing troops in serious fortifications to protect them in the event the enemy lands ground forces on the planet to take them.
Think of the planets and satellites as extremely large non-jump capable star ships or orbitals. That makes fortress and planetary defense troops a big part of an Imperial Army.
But this would be more a planetary Army and forces duty than IA's.
And those Deep meson guns can be overcome by either standoff missile salvoes (see that bombardement is used to attack planets, and it mostly represents missile capacity) or waves of fighters to overload them (and probably targeting their sensors so that they become blind).
One sure duty for the IA planners in the deterrance role Kilemall mentiones would be to keep an updated track of those Deep Meson Sites just in case the planet revolts. And again making them know about it...
Absolutely! I reexamined LBB 4 and the MT character generation rules for "Mercenaries." These are really thin if you compare them to the debate on what the Imperial Army would look like. They are primarily for generating a character that is in a ground combat unit or support service for the same and the skills that can be acquired are largely those for small ground combat units.
For example, if you go strictly by the character generation rules, you cannot get one that is skilled in the use of larger energy weapons that a vehicle might mount unless you choose "Artillery" as an arm of service.
That means if you wanted to create a character that could operate a grav tank with a plasma or fusion gun you'd have to try and change combat arms between say, cavalry, and artillery to gain the skills necessary to be able to be the gunner on such a vehicle and the driver. (Yes, there is a slight chance with artillery you can get both).
If we examine CT/MT CharGen we find that:
Basic Chargen:
- We're not told about if we're talking about Imperial or local Armies (but remember when it was published, at least for CT, there was no defined Imperium, and MT tried to mimick CT in CharGen).
- In any case, promotion in Army is quite a sure thing (5+, 4+ if END is 7+), making it quite an officer heavy body. OTOH you're quite sure your career there will not be long (7+ to reenlist)
Point 2 may be read (IMHO, sure there may be other reads of it) that either:
- tables are biased to make characters to be offiers
- It's a cadre (Officer heavy) and reserves (short careers) army
Option 1 is not supported by the fact that commission is not so easy in other military services (Marines need 9+, Navy 10+), unless we asume army career is encouraged, something not supported by its high reenlistment roll.
Option 2, if we assume it talks about IA, makes it probably a HQ and Cadres (to avoid the word Huscarles that produced confusion) army.
Advanced CharGen:
Here we find the problem that it is clearly thought for planetary armies, as if you were in Imperial Army your TL should always be at least 14, so no mention to +1 in MOS skills for being TL 12+ (HiStellar in MT) would appear (I must admit the same happens with the Marines, and I guess we moslty assume it is thought for Imperial, not colonial, ones).
IMHO it lacks a roll to see if you are in Imperial or Colonial service...
It is less officer heavy (though if your stats are right, you have about 1/9 probability to become officer per year), and it equals possibilities for commission in Army and Marines.
There is no category or means to generate a character skilled in operating planetary defense systems unless you extend these from the Imperial Navy. This would require the "Army" character to gain skills in things like "Gunnery" (cascades to screens, spinal weapons, turret weapons) and sensor ops or computer.
See that in MT COACC mans those facilities (after all it's orbital defense). In COACC book CharGen there's the assignment of base defense and you can gain the skill to man those deep meson guns.