Actually your are wrong...
Maybe, it would not be the first (and probably nor the last) time...
Colonel proprietors owned their units and considering the noble filled the majority of the officer roles de facto evolution of feudal powers ....I refer you C. Duffy, Warfare in the Age of Reason.
So I would like to make a suggestion I see you are heavily invested in this argument. Read up a little more on history and drill down into the meat of the subject.
I compared it with Medieval feudal situation (keeping all the distances and differences), and this was well out in XVII and XVIII centuries you tell about, and the Age of Reason only covers the last part of this period you tell, that includes from the Barroque (let's say the thirty Years War) to Age of Reason (let's say the Seven Years War) and French Revolutionary Wars, and incluiding several major (and many more minor) European wars (some of them even exported to overseas territories).
There are key diferences in this times. In the Middle ages feudalism, the Nobles has their own standing forces, while in the times you talk about, no matter how much power a Colonel could have in his regiment, it was not really his, but King's, and nobles were no longer allowed to have their own standing armies.
The colonel, that used to be a noble (but not always), as you say, did not recruit the troops in his own name, but in King's name, and was responsive to him, something not so true in Feudalism. And his post was not hereditary, another important difference.
Same (or at least likewise) happened with Governor's and other Royal Officers.
I find the whole argument against a Imperial army absurd. It is clear there is a centralized authority that asserts a political will. There are clear references to it in canon materials. The Imperial Army clearly exists de facto. FFW/Invasion Earth says "regular" forces.... Not Colonial or feudal. They are the real armored fist of the Emperor period.
Several questions here:
I've never denied IA existence, and not only de facto, but as a true Imperial service, just I don't believe it's a large standing one, but a cadre one.
Can you tell me how the centralized authority of the IA is exercised? not even the Imperial Navy or bureaucaracy is so centralized...
What are those clear references in canon material about a large, centralized Imperial standing Army?. all those given by Mike can apply also to a cadre & huscarles Army.
Regular forces are not the same as standing Army. Medival nobles had standing forces, but they could hardly be seen as regulars, while most regular armies are kept at cadre levels and depend on mobilization, so not being really standing ones.
The real armored fist of the Emperor is IN (I include Marines on it, hope no one is ofended by this), not IA, and IMHO this is quite clear in most canon. Remember that in Civil War it was the IN control that was critical, and llttle (if any) references are given (AFAIK at least) about IA stance on it.
After all, what is IA worth wihtout IN support, being left stranded on their positions, where they can sit forever without a true influence in the Imperium as a whole?
If we carried your faulty model further its fails the test. An Imperial Army has to exists or else there wouldn't be a centralized authority of doctrine, training, and technological standards of development.
Again, Navy's duty, not Army's, as army alone cannot even keep any communication among their units in different planets (well, I guess they have a (relative, as always) few courriers, but I guess they mostly rely on IN and IISS for this).
Further any Sector or Domain level Forces would have the be overseen by a Higher Command and Staff, or what you are going to let the navy plan it's operations?, Do you think the navy can plan a prolonged ground campaign?
And can Army plan for any campaign without IN support, when it has not even the mobility needed to go from a point to another in the intestellar void?
Sure the Army has a good planning corps, and it plans for actions in most planets where it can be needed to be bought to bear (mostly the more populated and HiTech, as lesser words can be dealed with I marines of COlonial Forces), and this planning may well be the main peacetime mission of the HQs and cadres (and part of the deterrence role told by kilemall is having those plans updated (and letting local goverments know about the fact).
Getting back to the point without an imperial army it would be a logistics nightmare with the various technology and different weapon systems, reference the French Expeditionary Corps in Indochina with all the various weapons and ammunition nightmares they suffered in combat effiency and utilization.
I sat back and watched this argument long enough to realize everyone has their interpretation, but the reality is if the 3rd Imperium existed their would be a Imperial Army for the sake of centralized standard in training, doctrine, logistics and to ensure combat utility and efficiency.
IA (or any imperialwide service, for what's worth) is a logicital nightmare no matter how you try to mitigate with standarization. The French Expeditionary Corps probles are dwarfed by the mere fact that all its troopers where from the same race and planet, used to the same atmosphere and gravity. In Imperial Services not even this is standarized. Just the diferent racial, atmospheric, gravity and racial diferences (not to talk about cultural views and biases) among Imperium citizens will ensure it is a true nightmare to coordinate people from different locations.
This said, sure there are titanic efforts by the Imperial services (not only Army) to standarize as much as they can. Hence the existence of the IDPs. And sure they try to standarize doctrines too, probably forcing (or at least strongly encouraging) any imperializable unit to follow their IDPs equipment and doctrine.
This is not personal McPerth, but wake up and smell the coffee... And a brioche.
I understand this is not personal, but, frankly, the (IMHO again) unnecessary harshness of your post surprised me. I hope I have not responded in kind (be sure I tried).
And BTW, I prefer croisant to brioche, but that's for another discusión...:coffeegulp:
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