• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

The Lone Star Chat!

Originally posted by Father Fletch:
<snip> When I click on the Lone star link the lovely MSN browser window tells me that I cannot use the chat function because I am using a Mac! Poop!
Not happy! :mad:
Same here Padre
makes joining in the fun a major hassle and pain :rolleyes: but I don't expect MSN to be workin extra hours so we few can have the privilege of using their system

So what about FLS's suggestion of switching to a more platform open alternative? I'd like it, so I think that'd be three of us for sure (what do we need for a quorum here? And a vote

Oh well, worst comes to worst I guess I could try to get my virtual PC working again, it's kinda buggy and slow but it might not crash too often just trying to chat
For any of you who have an IRC client and want to chat I've opened the '#Lone_Star' on the 'Psionics.net' server listed below.

Server: chat.psionics.net
Port: 6667

After conencting just type '/Join #Lone_Star' and you're there

The IRC route is a great deal less persnikity than MSN.

Well... dosn't look like anyone's going to show and it's getting late so I'm shutting down the IRC chat room.

As an interesting asside, I got retrenched on Friday, so I'll be much less regular on CotI in future - at least until I get another job.

Have fun y'all.
chat room is open come on in and play pin the tail on the K'Kree.
Open tonight pan galactic gargle balsters special and later the droyne tossing contest..
ladies get in free!!!!!
so come one come all to the lone star chat!
http://chat.msn.com/chatroom.msnw?rm=The+ Lone+Star&cat=GN&lang=1&codeconduct=on&des=Welcome%21&welcome=Welcome%21&loc=EN-US&newroom=1
My appologies guys, I had a pretty strenuous day yesterday and the sandman finally caught up with me around 8:15 or so after Bryan left. If you showed up afterwards I'm really sorry I wasn't there :(

S'all right Eak. I nodded off the night before lastafter waiting two hours..same reasons-wiped out! Thanks fer Ellros, Frank, Mark, BG, Big Mike and CPt Blacklight, as well a the nice lady from texas who "jus dropped by".
