• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

The Lone Star Chat!

Mr Zeitlin, Krasnykot(sp?), we rendezvous at 12 noon CST/US/ Canada time Sunday's.

Any other meeting times are between those who gather on that day..its very informal, actually.
there are draw backs..spambots, and adult site wanderer's, please identify yerself with this password to thsoe present:
"I am not a spam!" (ye dinnae haveta use quote marks tho)
I am A Traveller!
I am from CoTI!

any of these will prevent accidental bot smashing/ sophont abuse.

Bot smasher, ⌧odog crusher, Rude person eliminator (and I'm the tolerant one!)
Originally posted by Capt. Blacklight:
Thanks to everyone that Stuck around tonight. the Bar is closed Now for tonight.
Aye and a grand day it was too! Bruce, Chron, Kentares, BL, Eak,BG,Maspy,Mark Siefert, Bahli-Padma, sorry had to go at 2200hrs! see ya next week!

The door is open! Its Sunday!!!!!
Wee Liam here in the LSCR...bartending, and CJayed up..0422 CST Am.(US/CAN), 1122 yer time Shane
Well looks like Blacklight started it up again in http://chat.msn.com/chatroom.msnw?rm=The+Lone+Star&cat=GN&lang=1&codeconduct=on&des=Traveller+RPG+Chat%21&loc=EN-US&newroom=1&pps=k

I'm in there idling, hoping some others join

Yer a poet, and ya very well know it!

Alright, so it's a chat. My misperception. I'd still be happy to join, but I don't know enough about MSN's sign-up features to do so.