• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

The Lone Star Chat!

Thanks BL, Rabid vargr, Eak, and Shane fer droppin in. The COTI clock seems off by about 8.25 hrs or so.
Odd that. Still here though...1508pm CST/ 1608 Wash DC time.
For some reason, I absolutely cannot get into MSN chats. Period. No argument. I'm on a PC, and it thinks I'm on a Mac. Sometimes. Other times, it just fails, no reason why, and I have to reboot.

I'm frustrated. So, I'm going to offer an alternative.

For those of you who have IRC capability - on any platform - you can come visit the channel #traveller on the Undernet network. The channel is a registered channel, available 24 hours per day, seven days per week, 52 weeks per year, plus we throw in an extra day each year, and a second one in leap years
just to give you an opportunity to stop in. We even have our own bartender and dice roller, "Brubek". Your host is me, under the nick "FreeTrav", but if I'm not there, the channel is, anyway.

Sorry for plugging, but since I can't find you, I figured I'd offer you me instead, just on the off-chance.
Originally posted by Jeff Zeitlin:
[QB]For some reason, I absolutely cannot get into MSN chats.
I've no problem joining in, but there's almost always nobody in there. And I have some Problems counting timezones, therefore I don't understand the times given, yes really, we have max out at three of them over here.
I'm frustrated.
I'm too