• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

The Lone Star Chat!

"Banned for violation of a code of conduct."?

Considering that this is my first time ever logging in, that's obviously not right.

Anyone have an idea what might be wrong with my log in to the Lone Star?

Paul Nemeth
Originally posted by Antares Administration:
"Banned for violation of a code of conduct."?

Considering that this is my first time ever logging in, that's obviously not right.

Anyone have an idea what might be wrong with my log in to the Lone Star?

Paul Nemeth
Maybe it is a global ban on your host rather than you specifically?

Ken! Hunter! Just to let you know I was away from the keyboard when I was in and I forgot to "cup out." I wasn't trying to be impersonal.
No problem. Gonna grab me some chow and will probably pop back in in an hour or so.

If the Lone Star Chat is the ISS Ursula site, I may at some point show up, but may also never show up. I still have to decide.

E. A. Kinser doesn't seem to have been here in a while...
Originally posted by Jame:
If the Lone Star Chat is the ISS Ursula site, I may at some point show up, but may also never show up. I still have to decide.

E. A. Kinser doesn't seem to have been here in a while...
Au contraire, mon frere Jame!

The Lone Star Chat Room IS NOT the ISS URSULA site.. but ye will find a lot of opur crew go hang their hats and have a chat there.. tis where it all started..

(remember to tip the Ithklur valet on the way out..! ;)
Originally posted by Mark A. Siefert:
Ken! Hunter! Just to let you know I was away from the keyboard when I was in and I forgot to "cup out." I wasn't trying to be impersonal.
SUUUUUUUURE Mark, comment to Ken and Hunter about being AFK but fail to mention me coming on and cursing your sci-fi mini pimping @$$!!!! ;)
. Impersonal indeeeeeeed!

-W. (Udephaeg Vhargh, formerly of the ISS Ursula Penal Crew)
I just added a link on the main navigation for the site along with a page letting folks know how to access the Lone Star.

Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
Thanks hunter!

(of course we'll still get folks thinking we're from texas of course...we'll blame it on Bruce!) ;) :D
Always a good place to stick the blame!

(ducks and runs to hide before Bruce finds him)
