Mat!Originally posted by TempLoan:
HI Brynn,
Figures I would Find you here.......
I almost always Agree with Brynns Number except where it comes into contact with the Agentinian, Brazilian, and Chinese Navies... since they were the three left out of Canon almost completely...
The Argentinian and Brazilian navies would be Quite large only because the state of Cold war between them and the factt heir colonies are along the same arm....Th Chinese for the fact that they have an entire Arm to police.....
I would actually place the Three of them directly behind
Germany -2
Argentina - 4
Great Britian-7
Ukraine -9
Russia -10
Japan- 11
Texas - 12
etc etc....
But Brynn will argie with me like Normal
Personally, I think Argentina got ******** in a big way over the Santa Maria issue. They have a case to be a 2nd tier power.
Rather than arguing over specific orders:
Tier-1 powers, those with large off-world interests, and fleets sufficient to project power outside their area.
France, Britain, Germany, America (scraping in due to Kafer war) and Manchuria (including Korea)
Tier-2 powers are the large regional powers.
Australia, Brazil, Argentina-Mexico (including much of Latin America), Ukraine and Japan (if not a tier-1, which is debatable).
Tier-3 nations are those with off-world colonies, but probably not the resources to defend them.
Azania (where was the Azanian Fleet?), Texas, Canton (including Indochina), Arabia, Canada (if not a tier-2)
Tier-4 nations have some semblence of a space programme, but no colonies, outposts and laughable navies.
Russia (probably the top tier-4 and by military power a tier-3, includes Siberia), Incans, UAR, Scandanavians, Nigerians, Central Asians, Indonesia (including Malaysia)
Finally, tier-5, who have no indiginous access to space:
New Zealand, Papua, Tasmania, China, Indian States (all of them), Far Eastern Republic, Georgia and other ex-Soviet splinters, Poland, Hungary, Serbia and other central and eastern European states. Anyone else not mentioned.