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The States of Glimmerdrift Reaches

Back to the original theme of the thread. None of the dates are in stone, more at estimates. @GypsyComet

The Rise of the Glimmerdrift Federation 930 - 997 and the end of the Glimmerdrift Trade Consortium

The Solomani War brought about the demise of the Glimmerdrift Trade Consortium and the rise of the Glimmerdrift Federation. As the Solomani Rim War picked up steam, more Imperial assets were diverted from the Glimmerdift Sector, resulting in an increase in piracy, privateering and even commerce raiding by Solomani elements. For the governments of the Glimmerdrift this was a repeat of the Third Frontier War. But that war was much father away, and the withdrawal was short lived. The Solomani Rim war was closer and more Naval forces were being shifted at a faster rate.

[Assumption: In 1105 the population of Kinake is 900 mm, the 990 population has been increased by a factor of 3, from 700,000 to 700,000,000 reducing the growth rate from 6% to 0.2%. This makes 990 Kinake powerful enough to become the capital of the new Federation. The 1105 TL of Kinake is 14 vs. TL 10 in 990. The 990 TL has been raised to 13, to reflect that J3 and J4 is needed to form the Federation which is spread across many parsecs. The 990 UWP becomes A68A832-D Ri Wa Ph KM – 704 (E7F+3). An Oligarchy has displaced the Representative Democracy, however the government maintains the trappings of a democracy with three branches including a parliament of elected representatives.]

In 989, Fal was the economic leader of the consortium, which consisted of 14 non-contiguous worlds (of which 12 were in the Glimmerdrift Reaches Sector). The primary benefits derived from membership in the Consortium were access to Fal’s extensive market (10 Billion inhabitants) and to the TL 14 products produced there.

Although Fal was willing to aid in anti-piracy patrols with its fellow members, they charged dearly for the assistance. Fal further undermined its own leadership by controlling the manufacture of Starhips in government facilities and being miserly in the terms of sale to worlds within the consortium.

Kinake built its first shipyard circa 900 in an effort improve its own economy. It was a stunning success, drawing millions of workers from parsecs away to work in a new shipyard on a very free world. Another company began to build a shipyard around 930. By 990 the population had grown to 700,000,00, with a TL of 13, mostly in the starfaring industries. Technology in other industries lagged. Eventually the shipyards’ owners became the defacto rulers of the world, but maintained the appearance and semblance of a democracy, and the associated freedoms.

At the outbreak of the Solomani War, Kinake’s government saw an opportunity to raise its own profile as it sought to protect interstellar commerce and to promote more trade among the worlds. During the Third Frontier War, piracy had increased when local Imperial resources were diverted. That war was short, and the impact was not long lasting. But the Solomani war was closer. The Consortium continued to be exclusivist, but now was the time to be inclusive. Kinake sought to cast a wider safety net, and sent envoys to many nearby worlds, all of who were in need of protection from the increasing threat of piracy.

By 996 the core of the Glimmerdrift Federation had been forged: Reprise, Idi Karshim and Miracle of the Reprise Main had joined, along with neighboring Ashki and AkumKhagr. Wizard and Nope joined shortly thereafter.

Fal objected to the treaty stipulations that it provide more support for the other members and that it reduce the cost of support. Seeing the threat to its pre-eminence, Fal had attempted to dissuade Kinake and failed. Believing that it held a superior position and that the former members would beg to rejoin the Glimmerdift Trade Consortium, Fal withdrew from the Consortium in 997. This was the legal demise of the Glimmerdrift Trade Consortium.

For a brief period there had been three member of both the Consortium and the Federation, but in the end there was only the Federation, which quickly grew in its number of worlds, expediency in the face of newfound threats. The members of the old consortium that elected not to join were generally too far from the new capital of Kinake.
I think the Federate Republic can be written off like the League of Nations, an historical footnote.

The Demise of the Federate Republic 971 - 992

The Federate Republic was the pipe dream of a few world governments located along the Glittersky main. In 971 the ruling Feudal Technocrats of Shashka, Shumi Kiri and Glittersky formed a customs and mutual protection alliance, believing it would improve commerce for their worlds. Most of the other worlds along the main, and a few farther rimward, joined the Federate Republic by 976.

At its height, eleven worlds with a population of just under 200 million sophonts were members of the FR. Only four of those worlds with 2 million inhabitants were interstellar societies, and thus the burden of “protection” fell upon the three initial members. By 988 the FR was already on the verge of disbanding, as the high tech worlds had derived little benefit from membership.

The outbreak of the Solomani Rim War created a governance crisis for several worlds which had large populations of Solomani sympathizers. While the majority of the world populations tended to favor their relationships with the Imperium, the dissenters were able to force their respective governments to withdraw form the Federate Republic which was deemed pro-Imperium.

The majority of worlds sought an independent course, even though the FR had never openly sided with the Solomani or the Imperium. Many believe that the Federate Republic failed because it failed to provide any leadership in foreign policy. By 992 all of the former members of the Federate Republic had become independent and “officially” non-aligned.