My only problem with the surveys that you mention. It is taliking with the converted...
Because ask yourself when was the period of greatest support from GDW for Traveller? When did Traveller tower over all other SFRPG? When were any number of fanzine, most unofficial supporting Traveller.
For each of the answers, it comes back as the CT. Now, combine that with a feeling wanting to reclaim youth...3E MK II (primary market, apparently). Then, of course, all the surveys favor CT. Hell, I would even favour CT, if I were to see the support that Traveller had in the 1980s. But, realistically to draw upon the latest writing styles in SF today means tapping into a different milieu. Just as Traveller took all the writing from the 1950s & 1960s (and throw in some Star Wars) then put it into one product...we can get CT.
What any new version Traveller, including T20, ought to strive for is bringing together that type originality. Marc has given us a wonderful mechanical framework, to create any universe. This has been updated for D20 in T20... Now, comes the agonizing choice of milieu.
IMHO, the best solution would have been the way Imperium Games seemed to tackle the issue with their initial run, and if I am reading Stu Dollar's site right. Start off with one milieu and then release other milieus in rapid succession. Now, in retrospect, we can see the dangers of that. But, it does offer enormous advantages for gamers who love setting over rules. This runs into the problem of squaring up against the cannonistas but I think that could be solved by writing things mainly in the First Person (at least the asides)* with many tack on reminders, like no FGMP 15s in the situation of the Interstellar Wars, etc. Cannonistas would have to settle with this is the knowledge known up to this point in time, known by one individual or a group of individuals.
[For I have toyed with the idea that a milieu sourcebook ought to have a section written by a scout, then another section by a Naval person and other by a Traveller, etc.]
*This was an approach that worked well in Hard Times and some DGP products...