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TNE Sourcebook in 2003


SOC-14 5K

I was wondering what part of 2003 are you aiming to release the TNE sourcebook? Or is 2003 too optimistic...why not make the new milieu the backdrop for the t20 milieu which would save you a great deal of work and agro?
Originally posted by kafka47:

I was wondering what part of 2003 are you aiming to release the TNE sourcebook? Or is 2003 too optimistic...why not make the new milieu the backdrop for the t20 milieu which would save you a great deal of work and agro?
I think that would be cool... but given how rabidly some Trav fans froth about how plain wrong TNE was and how "it isn't Traveller", my guess is that deciding to set T20 in The New Era by default wouldn't go down very well among most of the fans
More importantly at this stage it would be a rather clumsy change in direction, given how much QLI have trumpeted "Milieu:1000" as their default setting.

MJD has mad eit plain that his 1248 setting will be an attempt to move the timeline forward in a way acceptable to the majority of fans without invalidating large chunks of prior history. IF it works, I imagine QLI will support both era's, if it doesn't, then they can proceed with M:1000.

But I thought part of the point of T20, especially as the THB was actually produced, is that it fits the OTU, NOT a particular era? So, aside from SJG's license for the Interstellar Wars (which I assume is exclusive), QLI can do product in any era if the choose...
Originally posted by Gallowglass:
MJD has mad eit plain that his 1248 setting will be an attempt to move the timeline forward in a way acceptable to the majority of fans without invalidating large chunks of prior history. IF it works, I imagine QLI will support both era's, if it doesn't, then they can proceed with M:1000.

But I thought part of the point of T20, especially as the THB was actually produced, is that it fits the OTU, NOT a particular era? So, aside from SJG's license for the Interstellar Wars (which I assume is exclusive), QLI can do product in any era if the choose...
I can live with IY 1000, but I'd MUCH rather see the timeline move forward to 1248 and beyond. I mean, how many more times can they re-hash the same sort of time period (1000-1120, in CT, G;T, T20?) - there's all that great stuff in MT and TNE to go on as well! And given the sound of what MJD was describing in the timeline in the upcoming novels, it sounds blisteringly good and very exciting!

T20 might be a very good place to explore the New Era further in fact, given it's supposedly not necessarily aimed at pre-existing Traveller fans but at attracting new ones. Still, if they can do both eras I'll be happy. :D
TNE is Traveller, minus the grand Imperial Campaign. Now, if players want the background on the Imperial Campaign...surely, now with CT Reprints, GURPS Traveller and the odd MegaTraveller Imperial Encyclopedia popping up on eBay there is more than enough sources to get it.

While, I too would support that both milieus done together, I am just very eager to see some new Traveller i.e. something that has not been done before by GDW.

Taking the timeline really forward as the MJD supplement will do or taking really far back to the time of Ancients would accomplish the same task. However, building in the comfort zone of CT will certainly alienate some new players who says all this repeats itself. However, if we keep a dynamic Traveller universe alive with an evolving storyline we will succeed in doing what CT did subconsiously...that is change into the system that we all love, even if we hate parts of the story we know that it hasn't ended and we must actively contribute to its richness.
Originally posted by Gallowglass:
More importantly at this stage it would be a rather clumsy change in direction, given how much QLI have trumpeted "Milieu:1000" as their default setting.
I'd say that the more important part (at least from the perspective of QLI) is how many sales that a milieu product would generate. Given past surveys and scuttlebutt, it would appear that the classic traveller settings would be more popular with more people, so hence, more sales. I'd love to see a TNE update too, but I'm not expecting one soon given the sales issue.

My only problem with the surveys that you mention. It is taliking with the converted...

Because ask yourself when was the period of greatest support from GDW for Traveller? When did Traveller tower over all other SFRPG? When were any number of fanzine, most unofficial supporting Traveller.

For each of the answers, it comes back as the CT. Now, combine that with a feeling wanting to reclaim youth...3E MK II (primary market, apparently). Then, of course, all the surveys favor CT. Hell, I would even favour CT, if I were to see the support that Traveller had in the 1980s. But, realistically to draw upon the latest writing styles in SF today means tapping into a different milieu. Just as Traveller took all the writing from the 1950s & 1960s (and throw in some Star Wars) then put it into one product...we can get CT.

What any new version Traveller, including T20, ought to strive for is bringing together that type originality. Marc has given us a wonderful mechanical framework, to create any universe. This has been updated for D20 in T20... Now, comes the agonizing choice of milieu.

IMHO, the best solution would have been the way Imperium Games seemed to tackle the issue with their initial run, and if I am reading Stu Dollar's site right. Start off with one milieu and then release other milieus in rapid succession. Now, in retrospect, we can see the dangers of that. But, it does offer enormous advantages for gamers who love setting over rules. This runs into the problem of squaring up against the cannonistas but I think that could be solved by writing things mainly in the First Person (at least the asides)* with many tack on reminders, like no FGMP 15s in the situation of the Interstellar Wars, etc. Cannonistas would have to settle with this is the knowledge known up to this point in time, known by one individual or a group of individuals.
[For I have toyed with the idea that a milieu sourcebook ought to have a section written by a scout, then another section by a Naval person and other by a Traveller, etc.]

*This was an approach that worked well in Hard Times and some DGP products...