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Traveller 2013 Calendar


Andrew Boulton enjoyed producing the annual Traveller Calendar, for its usefulness, and as a showcase for magnificent Traveller art. His was a self-assigned and selfless task as the profits were directed to an appropriate charity.

With Andrew's passing, Ian Stead has taken up the torch and is directing the 2013 calendar production. This thread is for a variety of discussions about the project.

A suitable charity will be designated for the profits of this project. Traveller provides a no-cost license. Profits are (in this case) defined as all income flow from PDF and Print (Lulu) sales. The artists donate the use of their art.

I've a list of names so far and I'll put them up later.
I have one submission for definite and one of my own, which is either a Fiery or the 5th Frontier War.

Cheers Ian Stead
aka Middenface
Thanks Ian, you are doing a grand job lad.

I have one submission in the pipeline based around the G-Carrier from old favourite Grand Census.
Ian, I hope to get this to you in the next week or so.
Many thanks go to Ian, for taking on the job of herding all the cats! And also to all my fellow artists for keeping Andrew's project alive. Ian, I have one piece in progress, which should be done next week, and another as a back-up reserve.
So far I have onboard:

Jesse DeGraffe
Mark Hirst
Winchell Chung
Dave Redington
Mirco Adams
Mark Lucas
Steve Attwood
Tom Peters
Ian Stead

And we are using one of Andrew's Pieces

Couple of others contacted but no response.
I have a piece from a recent bit of work I did for Gypsy Knights Games (John Watts), will be worked on over the weekend and sent to you Ian when it's ready, sometime next week.

Cheers Ian for organising this project. :)

Hi Ian, thank's a lot for doing this. My image will be ready during the next days. I think sending it over via eMail will be fine? Do you prefer a specific format (JPG, PNG, PSD, other)?

By the way, it's Mirco Adam (without an "s") :)
I think psd or png should be fine.

Winchell has a submission for me so me.
I am away till Sunday so I will see it then.

I guess we don't have the file/template
for the cover but I am sure I can do a
a close likeness of the last one Andrew
did. I do have a good ai file of the Imperial
Heya, is this an invite only sort of thing, or do you take submissions? And if so, does it need to be 3D rendered, or can a digital painting be submitted?
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Crediting the Artist

Hi Ian,

my submission is ready to send over to you - do you require the artist and title areas filled in as per Andrews template, or will a file with just the image suffice?

If you don't require the name/title on the image, do you need the artists preference of text, to be submitted separately?

Thanks & all the best
Heya, is this an invite only sort of thing, or do you take submissions? And if so, does it need to be 3D rendered, or can a digital painting be submitted?

Nope no invite needed. Take a look at some of the previous entries here:

Not all the previous entries are 3D CGI, sure I am Digital painting are ok etc.. I think Strephon is a painting..

Heres the restrictions:
Images should be 3375x2625; a template can be found here: www.traveller3d.com/calendar/template.psd

The traditional Traveller “no T&A.”
Suitable for the Traveller universe.

If any issues arise, Marc will be the final decision maker.
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Hi Ian,

my submission is ready to send over to you - do you require the artist and title areas filled in as per Andrews template, or will a file with just the image suffice?

If you don't require the name/title on the image, do you need the artists preference of text, to be submitted separately?

Thanks & all the best

For now, tell me what you want in the text. Not thought about that. I am going to work on the front layout this week..

I'm actually moving house, but only at weekends and I should be done 2nd week of October sooo, it should not stop me much.!

I've tried contacting Wayne Peters... darn FB mail... so if anyone else can get to him fire away and of course if there is anyone else.!

IF we do not use your art (this is everyone involved) don't be disheartened ! I have plans and there is next year...

I'm setting a deadline of 1st week of November.

So we can sell/promo it through november and it gives me time to get it all together and prod stragglers. (besides I'm moving house too! Fortunately I have just been lent a Far Trader Ship, sorry long wheel base merc van!)

I have a few pieces already*, I'll put up previews later.
Wayne Peters is on board and so is Bryan Gibson too.

The more the merrier and like I've said, theres next year and I have a plan....

*either finished or a possible candidate.
First week of november sounds good. Now I can tweak and add a few things I originally planned for my piece. Perhaps even prepare a backup piece :)

Good luck and progress with your moving, Ian. I am currently rebuilding my attic and there's still loads of work on the to-do list, so I can imagine just how busy you must be :)