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Traveller 2013 Calendar

Winchell Chung - Annic Nova.
Congrats Mark! Best mate just had a boy, they've no idea what to call him.
I've suggested Chewbacca...
I'm pretty busy, moving house, going ok, my works lent me a huge van.

I like your idea. It's different!


Thanks Ian,

Here's some early progress shots of the gunner's chair. Playing with different console / tech level ideas on the controls.

gunnerychair by lucasdigital, on Flickr
The preview art absolutely rocks, guys. I'm going to avoid another ship illustration though as quite frankly the competition is too intense.
Tell me about it. I've become quite embarrassed at how amateurish my submission looks compared to all the great artwork it will appear with.

Heres everyone in on it or at least interested..

Andrew Boulton (image to be picked)
Winchell Chung (submitted)
Mark Lucas
Mark Hirst
Steve Attwood (submitted)
Dave Redington
Jesse DeGraffe
Shawn Driscoll
Mirco Adam (submitted)
Tom Peters
Wayne Peters
Bryan Gibson (Image seen, just might be profile)
Rob Caswell (Preview image seen...)
Andy Staples (image seen - just needs IISS logo)

I've contacted MagMag ? No response, I know someone who can speak japanese....
Calendar Goods

Oh - HI!

I should be wrapping up my piece within the hour. I'll leave it up to Ian to post a preview if he wishes. It's a scene with a Zhodani noble meeting a ship captain at a starport bar with a job proposal.

You can see the two main character studies at these two links:

http://arcas-art.deviantart.com/art...?q=in:scraps sort:time gallery:arcas-art&qo=0

http://arcas-art.deviantart.com/art...?q=in:scraps sort:time gallery:arcas-art&qo=1

Great to see some great art from new friends and old on this project!
Why, thank you. I did a mock up of the full cover

It looks WAY cool, fully formatted!

Thanks for the nice words about the character studies. I hope you'll find that the final has even more life in the characters. I finished last night, so perhaps Ian will be posting the preview sometime today?

Tom (Peters) really helped me out with a finishing touch by supplying me with a render of his Fat Trader model.
Hi Rob,

that is a great image. You really have a hand for good lighting. The hologram is awesome. The figures as vivid as can be. Cool.

The Fat Trader looks great and familiar. No surprise then it looks as if Tom's drawing jumped right out of the Starship Operators Manual. That is truly my favourite shape of that ship.

And great to meet you here.

By the way: Is that a sonic screwdriver? ;)
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It looks WAY cool, fully formatted!

Thanks for the nice words about the character studies. I hope you'll find that the final has even more life in the characters. I finished last night, so perhaps Ian will be posting the preview sometime today?

Tom (Peters) really helped me out with a finishing touch by supplying me with a render of his Fat Trader model.

Hi Rob, et al! What Winchell modestly didn't say is that his Flicker pages are a pretty comprehensive study in "How to Model the Annic Nova". ;-) And that's apart from his earlier work on "How to Model the Leif Ericsson" (a model of which I spotted at a local modelling shop, in all it's glow-in-the-dark variant glory).

BTW Rob, I have spotted a variant of your IISS grav bike on the 'net, rebadged as a Trek hover bike. I know you've done work in both universes (have Slider device, Will Travel), but is that one yours or has someone borrowed it? :)
What's the image size for these submissions. All the previews seem to be different sizes so far.

Looking at my previous entries they were 3210 x 1950 pixels or 10.7" (27.18 cm) x 6.5" (16.51 cm) at 300 dpi.

Is that still the same?

Also, I'll hopefully have mine done by the weekend.

What's the image size for these submissions. All the previews seem to be different sizes so far.

Looking at my previous entries they were 3210 x 1950 pixels or 10.7" (27.18 cm) x 6.5" (16.51 cm) at 300 dpi.

Is that still the same?

Also, I'll hopefully have mine done by the weekend.


HI, Wayne! I always look forward to a new Traveller piece by you. Your tech is just gorgeous, and your characters are always expressive. The spec I've been working with is 3375 x 2625 @ 300dpi. Which one, Ian?
What's the image size for these submissions. All the previews seem to be different sizes so far.

Looking at my previous entries they were 3210 x 1950 pixels or 10.7" (27.18 cm) x 6.5" (16.51 cm) at 300 dpi.

Is that still the same?

See later post.
Yeah sorry I think downsized the previews with varying sizes. Lots of stuff going on, moving house etc.. head fried.

3375x2625 @ 300 DPI it is.
Template here:
Ah, yes. The whole page is 3375 x 2625 but much of that is border and titles. If you are rendering your images to this size then bear in mind that the actual visible window is only 3224 x 1948 (slightly different from what I've got for some reason (me not paying attention or rounding most prob)) - which is where I was getting confused. Either crop to this size or arrange your composition accordingly.

Tom, that's very kind of you to say. Unfortunately my submission this year is a painting (again) as I simply don't have time to do a full 3D image. I do have a CGI in the works that was intended for this year but got sidetracked with comission work :( Hopefully next year.

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O-KAY! That is already impressive! I'm looking forward to seeing it finished! Are you modeling it in Hexagon?

Thanks. The overall shape was boolean cut as NURBS in Amapi Pro 7.51. Then exported into Hexagon 1.21 where I'm now adding the many sandcasters, laser turrets, meson gun turrets, missile turrets, etc. I'm working from the bottom and going up. I'm assuming that's the order the decks are numbered.

Recently my players have started using the Mongoose Traveller universe more and more, so the Tigress is being modeled from the Mongoose deck plans in the supplement 3 book.