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Traveller 2013 Calendar

Apologies. I thought stitched would be ok. Never used lulu before. I have to seee what I
Can do with it... Maybe try a ring bound version.

Apologies again. I'll take it off sale if that's ok.
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Has anybody had problems with their printed calendar from Lulu? Mine arrived today and was strangely put together in the form of a book rather than a calendar. Also, two of the colour plates were blank as they had been printed out in solid black ink.

I had issues trying to get it out as a calender..that and running a temprature.

Are the blanks at the front and back of it ? If they aren't LuLu has screwed up.

Really sorry about all this, is it useable?
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Just a guess that a "standard calendar" format (which is what the 2012 calendar uses) is too short for what we want. Can you contact Lulu to ask how best to set it up? Unless there's an "15 month calendar" or "18 month calendar" format available?
The blank pages are colour plates «prepare to be boarded & annic nova» I have contacted Lulu

I had issues trying to get it out as a calender..that and running a temprature.

Are the blanks at the front and back of it ? If they aren't LuLu has screwed up.

Really sorry about all this, is it useable?
Think I might have been a little premature
In taking the calender off. I shall look at it

Grr yes my preview PDF copy does not have missing plates...

Well I'll get the Calender Back up, hopefully with the same line..
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OK, got mine (I took the slow shipping option), and it is fantastic! Yes, it is more like a coffee table book, with the left binding. And, um, no holes punched in it for hanging. But, I will deal with that. As far as the blank pages, I have one inside the front cover (before "Missing Man"), and then I have 4 before the back cover (after the "Office of Calendar Compliance" page). Every image and page that is in the pdf is here, with some extra pages I can use to jot down game ideas. ;)

Thank you, again, folks, for putting this together. You have honored Andrew very well with this.
Has anybody had problems with their printed calendar from Lulu? Mine arrived today and was strangely put together in the form of a book rather than a calendar. Also, two of the colour plates were blank as they had been printed out in solid black ink.

Yes, I have exactly the same problem - Feb & June are the black pages. As a book format it's a bit tricky to hang on the wall...
Yes, I have exactly the same problem - Feb & June are the black pages. As a book format it's a bit tricky to hang on the wall...

I spoke to Lulu. They will replace any defective copies. So email them.
Many apologies. But it's definitely an issue with lulu.
It's made like a book to fit in the extra images.
Next time I will look at some other options
I've had a response from Lulu and according to them the reason that there is a problem with the images not printing correctly is due to some files issues that the author needs to fix. Therefore, they've offered me either a refund or another copy once the problem has been resolved.
Well I have done as they have said and uploaded another version which should prevent the issue from happening again. They are saying its due to transparencies... though the images that are missing I am pretty sure do not have transparencies...

Still hopefully you should get another copy. Still its odd how some are ok and some are not...
I've just sent them 2 photos of the affected pages. Odd how they wanted me to do that even though it was a known problem. Anyway hopefully it's sorted.