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Traveller 2013 Calendar

Awesome work Brian - really like the POV of both!

If I had any critiques they would be very minor
- something to reinforce scale in the crash scene?
(a humanoid skeleton against the hull, perhaps?)
- smudges on face/arms of lady zero-g?

But really, they are both great as is!

Thanks for sharing!

[Re: the tools - I would say that mechanic appears more a seat of the pants/self taught/get-er-done type, than a by-the-book safety first professional, so even if it was standard practice I would expect that none of her tools would be clipped... ;) ]
Skyscape of the work in progress for the calendar submission....

It's nice, but I can't help but notice the degree of sweep on the space dragons' wings. I've actually spoken to a space dragon and he told me that there's no way their joint structure can exceed 47 degrees of positive angular movement. On one of your space dragons you're CLEARLY pushing 50 degrees, thus totally obliterating the validity of this piece.

You may want to choose another piece or modify the dragons, as a piece like this (almost 50 degrees!!!) could totally kill the calendar's sales potential.
You may want to choose another piece or modify the dragons, as a piece like this (almost 50 degrees!!!) could totally kill the calendar's sales potential.

I don't know, but I've seen pics that on one species goes at least to 52 degrees.

So Bryan, is this an African or Euopean Space Dragon? :)
I just want to add to the 'stunning' comments. Absolutely stunning, both of them but the crashed ship is just the bomb. Just amazing.
I'm looking at starting the layout work next week. Feeling more settled in.

I need something of Andrew's too, for the calender.
Heres the submissions so far. Yep, should be more than 12 piece in this calender.

Winchell Chung 'Annic Nova'
Dave Redington 'Grand Sensus'
Rob Caswell 'Job Proposal'
Thomas Peters 'First Ship This Year'
Wayne Peters 'Leaf On The Wind'
Steve Attwood 'Dust Runner'
Donovan Lambertus 'Missing Man'
Andrew Staples 'IISS Ground Survey'
Mark Hirst 'Escape'
Mirc Adam
Ian Stead 'Prepare to Be Boarded'
Shawn Driscoll ‘Tigress With Stars’

Got one coming from Bryan, possibly some others too.
Awesome submissions this year. Can't wait for the calendar hanging on the wall above my desk with me nearly drooling over this fantastic Traveller artwork. :)

Well my line in the list of submission entries stands out a bit so it should perhaps be completed?

Mirco Adam "Relic Hunt"

I hoped to get the relic being hunt into the image by the end of the deadline.

The crew of the Frontier Transport's shuttle is in the process of recovering a sarcophagus or low berth chamber from the derelict's hull at the time the Cunningham arrives at scene.

However because of the distance that part was not very visible in previous renders, so the image is practically ready already...
second stage, the hull and foregound. Still a ways to go, and have added none of the lighting and shadows yet, but getting there!

as its set in a binary star system, you can bet the shadowing will be interesting.


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The Final of the piece.


Here we see a long forgotten starport on a long forgotten backwater planet in a forlorn system, deep into the Long Night. The ghosts of the once great Imperium, now long gone can be seen here, in the skeletons and rotting hulks of once proud starships.

Here, under the light of a distant binary star the planet never truly has a night - in light brighter than an earthly full moon, the dim night light reveals the last vestiges of a star spanning civilization brought to ruin and leather flyers wing over it all in unconcerned ease.

How melancholy indeed, to see mans achievements brought so low, here on the Derelict Planet.
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Hi. That looks great. Its really nice to see a variety of different drawing types and not having all images being ray traced stuff (I really like ray traced stuff, but its nice to see other stuff too). :)
Hi Ian,

for mysterious reasons (well probably due to size constraints) my "source" submission (PSD-file) didn't reach you yesterday, so I sent another e-mail with a download link.

Here ist the final render of my submission.

Full size version
Thank you for keeping the flame (and thus the calendar project alive). :)
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