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Traveller 2013 Calendar

Glad to hear the calendar going to continue. Checked into COTI today to check on the calendar and was shocked to find Andrew Boulton had died.
Dear Folks -

Did I miss a thread among the spam saying where to buy the finished calendar?

BTW, Rob wrote:
>"...there's no way their joint structure can exceed 47 degrees of positive angular movement..."

I think you're thinking of MegaTraveller. I'm sure it's an optional rule for space dragons in Fire, Fusion & Steel.

Anyway, I've heard Marc's gonna add a SpaceDragonThingMaker to T5, so you're covered!

<g, d & r>

Hi Ian,

will there be a print version availabe some time?

If not (this goes to anyone reading the post): Any recommendation or experiences - regarding quality - when using a professional printing service that accepts PDF as an input?

At least in Germany there are no copyright related legal issues to print a single private copy of the PDF, but what approach is recommended or appropriate in general - for all the folks buying the PDF, who happen to have an unoccupied calendar space on the wall?

That being said I'd still rather buy the printed version directly (no hassles with quality issues at all).

Cheers mirc
Important question: Where are the proceeds destined this year?

(Got my PDF and the print version is on the way!)

Was just waiting on the big announcment from Marc.

The Charity is yet to be decided.

Let me know how the print version looks.. had some fun and games getting that
to fit to Lulu's formats...
Yes Marc is doing the big announcement..

I think the charity will get announced at one of them big 'cons' you chaps like so much, over the pound.


Looks very nice; I just need to print the pages, glue them to some black cardboard and ring-bind it ...

Thank you very much. The pictures look awesome!

All the best!
Sorry for the confusion. Should have watched lulu.com it seems. Seriously, did I miss the announcement?

Well. I just ordered on lulu and will now happily wait for the delivery.

My earlier question is now obsolete of course :)
Has anybody had problems with their printed calendar from Lulu? Mine arrived today and was strangely put together in the form of a book rather than a calendar. Also, two of the colour plates were blank as they had been printed out in solid black ink.