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Traveller comics

Originally posted by bozzutoman:
Christopher Moeller's Iron Empires universe. I met him at the San Diego ComicCon, where he mentioned the universe was inspired by Traveller.
(Sound of hand smacking forehead.) I completely forgot about Iron Empires - good call!
This is as far as I got before the idea fell through. These images don't really belong to anyone except me and I don't think Paul would mind me posting them here.

This is the Captain and First officer. I was adamant that we should have a black crew member and that he NOT be the muscle. We decided to make him the captain. Paul came up with the one-armed first officer:

Next up is my old character, Tiny. This was actually Paul's idea. He really liked the character and wanted to fit her in. He also wanted a Virushi character which was so left-field I loved it. I think (though I may be mis-remembering) that Paul was against an Aslan or Vargr as a little obvious.

Then there was the Zhodani. We decided to make her female and I was, again adamant that she should be a valid character and not just eye-candy. This is what we came up with. I'm still fond of the jaunty 'turban'

For the ship, I did some designs partly because I think the Annic Nova is a mind-numbingly rubbish design and partly because it wasn't meant to be the Annic Nova. Trouble is, my designs were also mind-numbingly rubbish so I won't be posting them here.

And that is that. I'm still wrestling with a way to be able to do a Traveller comic but at the moment I just can't see it happening :( I hope someone else can

Also, this is a design that wasn't used. This was intended to be the 'muscle' but Paul wasn't keen. I've included it here anyway for the sake of completion.

Actually, let's talk characters. I've had a mind to do a Traveller inspired anime for a while. Even got as far as doing THIS last November, tho I've had to rethink after someone pointed out my script was a little 'mature' if it was to fit in with MWM's take on stuff.

Got as far as making the theme music and some incidental stuff too. And that's about all I was able to rescue from my old Mac, so be nice to find a home for it.

And really it was too ambitious to start with. It'd had to have been feature length to tell the story I had in mind.

So, thinking smaller scale and simpler, what would be the ideal crew? Given that a 'free trader' format is the most appropriate for episodic content and the game itself.

One bit from my earlier attempts that I think might be worth keeping is having a Hiver 'owner aboard' on the ship, with serene Ithklur bodyguard, basically to cause trouble or occasionally act as backup.

But how many characters should a crew be? And what composition?
Got inspired tonight, made another one. The art's a bit cruder but I can go back and sort that out in a jiffy.

See it here!

.... at least when it's feckin' processed.
Originally posted by Klaus:
Got inspired tonight, made another one. The art's a bit cruder but I can go back and sort that out in a jiffy.
I kind of like that minimalist style
And very good choice on the music.
Originally posted by Klaus:
tho I've had to rethink after someone pointed out my script was a little 'mature' if it was to fit in with MWM's take on stuff.
What the hell does that mean?
Originally posted by Klaus:
Got inspired tonight, made another one. The art's a bit cruder but I can go back and sort that out in a jiffy.

See it here!

.... at least when it's feckin' processed.
What tools are you using to make these? They do look kinda nifty.
Nothing. You'd expect the 'muscle' to be muscular - I just didn't want them to be black because it's a tiresomely hackneyed cliche.

Originally posted by Klaus:
Got inspired tonight, made another one.
Klaus, these are brilliant!
I'm with Far-Trader, I really like the minimalist style. You know what'd work really well with this is a stylised Clone-Wars look. Why Not put together the first couple of scenes of your script as a sort of pilot. If you don't have voice actors just use subtitles for now.

Nice video Klaus, just to promote the hobby/game a bit more why not have the last scene with the hatch opening and cut then to a frozen screen shot of First In (3sec frame shot)?
Well, I always liked the french series Aquablue, especially the first five books. Very "travelleresque" feeling IMHO and it was easy to convert the images and the story to a yet more or less unexplored water planet within the Traveller universe.

Some impressions:
Wow! I like the look of that. It looks like Dark Horse published the first book in English. I'll have to track it down. Thanks for the link.
