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Traveller comics

Originally posted by Scarecrow:
Wow! I like the look of that. It looks like Dark Horse published the first book in English. I'll have to track it down. Thanks for the link.
You're welcome, seems Dark Horse published an English translation of book one and two - otherwise I only know of the French and German versions. Regrettably so, the picture above is taken from book 4 - IMHO the best of the first cycle (book 1-5).
Originally posted by Rraurgrimm:
... seems Dark Horse published an English translation of book one and two - otherwise I only know of the French and German versions. Regrettably so, the picture above is taken from book 4 - IMHO the best of the first cycle (book 1-5).
Wie heissen die Deutschen Versionen? Und wo kann man sie online kaufen? :eek:
I have consdiered doing a Traveller Comic, but since I would prefer to make a couple of bucks because of it and don't have a license, I guess I would have to settle for Travelleresque.
the Bromgrev: relativ einfach, die Comics heissen auf deutsch

Aquablue 2 - der blaue Planet
Aquablue 3 - Megophias
Aquablue 4 - Schwarze Korallen
Aquablue 5 - Das Atalanta-Projekt

Online zum Verkauf stehen sie beispielsweise hier oder hier aber ich vermute, auch bei Ebay oder anderen Online-Comicshops wird man Glück haben können.

Die Nachfolgeserien Aquablue II (Band 1-4) und nun mit neuer Story ab Band 5 sind mitunter auch ganz gut aber reichen IMHO nicht an die ersten fünf heran.
Originally posted by Rraurgrimm:
Well, I always liked the french series Aquablue, especially the first five books. Very "travelleresque" feeling IMHO and it was easy to convert the images and the story to a yet more or less unexplored water planet within the Traveller universe.
Wow, that's spiffy!

Might be worth dusting off my French-English dictionary to read the whole series, if I can find it.

Now I really want a Traveller comic!
Cheers for the praise, guys, much appreciated. To answer some questions...

I use Flash to do almost everything in nowadays. Damn good for drawing, animation, and multimedia.

The minimalist style is what it's all about, although I tend to get a bit carried away if I'm not watching. Clone Wars is a good start, tho I expect to do it a little more elaborately in some areas (ie: not using vast amounts of repeating extras, like clones and droids, and a little more realistic looking people), and less so in others (I have no 3D skills, so the spinny, twisty, rolly ship maneuvers are too much work). I think some of Clone Wars is done in Flash, actually.

The mature element in the script involved a baddie plucking out the eye of one of his lieutenants - it was in silhouette but there was copious ichor.

Voice talent ain't such a problem. I'm ok myself, and I know several actors who owe me favours.

I think I'm aiming for something between Aeon Flux, Cowboy Beebop, and Futurama.

I would animate the script but I have to write it first. I lost the one I'd done before when my drive died; I want to rethink it anyhow.

That's why I want your advice: crew composition.

My current thoughts are...

Captain, oldish, curmudgeon; based on Mark E Smith

Pilot, dashing south asian navy deserter called Cyril.

Siadwell, odd jobs, hardly talks, based slightly on Hunter S Thompson.

Panthera, Zho first mate; she has secrets.

Bodi, diminutive drive tech/ cook: "Ooh, that's a nice bit of fish."

Loomis, Hiver 'owner aboard', finds illicit jobs and causes trouble.

Mr Krum, Loomis' Ithklur bodyguard, serene, ascetic, keeps bonsai.

and finally,
Kaia, Captain's daughter, arrives in pilot; 18, computer expert, has secrets.
Great stuff Klaus! Like everyone else I really like the style. It must be an incredible amount of work to produce.

Of the characters I best like the drive tech / cook combo. Does he use Engine oil when he runs out of cooking oil?

The bodyguard is the one who is imo in danger of being cliched (in a Kung-fu sense) unless there's more about him than fighting and taoist proverbs.

Klaus, good mix. I like it. Very, 'Traveller.'

A couple of thoughts.

Siadwell. Love it! Love that name.

Panthera - NO! No! No! No! Too much like 'Cheetara' and especially no female names ending in A. It'll be too much like a cheesy fantasy novel.
Finally, Loomis. Love the name but not for a Hiver, I think.

Actually, Panthera is based on the character I ran in Kafka's larp.

You don't see the bodyguard and Hiver very often. Just for special occasions.

Thanks for the input. Any suggestions on how to improve the crew?

It took 3 hours last night to animate the ship landing. It was about 10 hours work for the railyard scene. Once I start it will get faster, as I'll have togenerate less art.
Actually that ain't a bad idea. She was nicely rounded, neither chick with a gun, damsel in distress, or sex kitten.

A good candidate for first mate. Panthera is relegated to guest star, renamed Ramona, tougher and tough.
If you get paid, I'd like a tiny bit for the idea.

Julianne would be about 5'10" to 6'2" and blond.
Originally posted by BetterThanLife:
I have consdiered doing a Traveller Comic, but since I would prefer to make a couple of bucks because of it and don't have a license, I guess I would have to settle for Travelleresque.
Hunter said he's interested.
Originally posted by Andrew Boulton:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by BetterThanLife:
I have consdiered doing a Traveller Comic, but since I would prefer to make a couple of bucks because of it and don't have a license, I guess I would have to settle for Travelleresque.
Hunter said he's interested. </font>[/QUOTE]I saw that.
I also thought about it. If he only wants about a page a week, it would probably be doable. I guess I'll see what a PM will bring.
Hey Hunter!
I have sent you three emails and a PM on this. Are you getting any of these? Have you lost interest?

If you are interested then please let me know, because in a week I settle for Semi-Travelleresque and go live on my own site.

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The trick is finding a person (or two) who

a) can write
b) can draw
c) knows Traveller
d) can meet deadlines
e) is cheap

The guy I know also has qualification (f); i.e. can continue to come up with ideas. He received another offer from another game company to do essentially the same thing, but turned it down.