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Traveller PC/NPC Paper Miniatures

Definitely a minor species set or sets would be cool. Bwaps, Githskaio, Dolphin, like a mixed bag of each. Starport Travelers set? Have them all in transit, like with luggage and such. Would double as good bystander markers, too.
Originally posted by SanDragon:

I can't seem to get the hiver sheet to print correctly. I keep hacking off an end... :(
Hmmm... I'll look into it at lunch.
Anyone else had a problem?

I had a look and at 300dpi the Hiver page should be around 2.8 inches (7cm) wide and 4.8 inches (12cm) tall. That should easily fit on to an A4 sheet with plenty of room to spare.

Are you definately printing it at 300dpi?

The image should be at 300dpi when you save it from the intertron. However, if you've opened it and re-saved it then it may have changed to 72dpi.

That's the only thing I can think that might be screwing up.

Hey, scarecrow, do you mind if I use your minis (shrunk down a bit - OK, a lot) for the little folks to show scale on deckplans? They are gonna work so well for that!
Ok. I am glad this thread came back. Crow, I need to do an Alsan army from one of the "29" Clans, for an upcoming Battle-Based ftf game, and need a couple of tips on Force Organization.

I want to get beyond the Human "Book 4" Conventions of structure, while at the same time maintain a cohesive "Squad" arrangement sort of like in Warhammer 40k. Any thoughts on this? I already have Plan for the "General", his 23 wives, and thier household Guard. I think a storage space may need to be rented for this game at this rate!
Fritz, absolutley, go right ahead. That goes for everyone else aswell.

Baron, I'm not sure what you're asking. I'm not really the person to ask about wargaming and unit structure, I just make 'em look pretty. Or am I misunderstanding?

Baron, try multiples of 4 and 8 for your structure. It ties to the Aslan Base 8 math system.

A Squad is 4.
A Section is 8.
A Platoon is 16.
A Company is 64.

Almost like Human forces, but not quite...
Maybe squad was a bad term, perhaps Fire Team.

My thoughts were just to divide their sizes into multiples of 4 and 8 because of their octal numbering system. No other reason than that.
These are really great, though I'll probably print them out in 15mm scale. These bring back memories of the old Steve Jackson 15mm Traveller Cardboard Heroes. They were the practically the only Traveler figures I could find other than the basic adventurer set & the few vehicle MM put out. Bought all I could find. Sold off the uncut figures recently, though. I have someone still a bunch of the assembled figures lost in the attic in some box.