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Traveller RPG and Miniatures Mega Bundle (inc Azhanti High Lightning)

Hope I can still play Traveller one day and have most of the material in PDF (except for the DGP material so I'm hanging onto that for now but would sell it also if someone offers me a worth while price).

Sadly I'm just not getting any Traveller action. Have managed to get a couple of games of the new Fantasy Flight Star Wars and it's a decent game. Best of all it's an agreed upon universe (as opposed to Traveller where every single player has there version of what the universe and it's worlds should be).

Just thought I'd give you all a heads up on this collection which I'm selling for a rediculously low price considering all the miniatures I'm practically throwing in and the original Azhanti High Lightning maps. But I hope it goes to someone who's actually going to be able to use it.
