Nice discussion about construction facilities. Inasmuch as canon seems to be contradicting itself in places on that subject, I'll elect to steer clear on that one.
...Look to the German army at the outbreak of WW2. Panzer fores could effect a breakthrough but could not consolidate or hold ground. Infantry divisions, moving much slower, were required for this purpose. (Here I loosely hold that J4=Panzer and J2=Infantry.)
And now you have a balanced force, which I think we both agree is superior to a force built solely for mobility or power. Doesn't consider battleriders, though. Hobelars FTW!
I'm working up a long answer to much of the above and hopefully will post it tonight.
For you J4 proponents; would you tell me how big your ship is since 95% is taken up by percentage based components?
Bridge 2%
Armor 14 15% (could be reduced, but mine are 14)
MD 17% (required for Agility 6)
JD 4 5%
PP 8 min 8% (1.8 % required for meson screen; 6% For Agility)
PP Fuel 8% (1.8 % required for meson screen; 6% For Agility)
Jump Fuel 40%
Total % 95%
This is for a fully decked out ship; Me Screen 9; Nu Damper 9; Armor 14; Agility 6.
I figure about 2% for crew so add your weapons mix (and power requirements) and watch that sucker's size go way up.
Ton for ton a CT/HG ship costs relatively the same, so divide that monsters tonnage by 10k to see how many Battle Riders I have to play with for EACH of your J4 firetraps...
I have been discussing CT/HG rules from the beginning, not some other version or house rules.
Feel free to reduce your agility and give me the added bonus in addition to your size modifier loss. You're toast, sooner or later in a campaign.
I loved this. Yes, it's hard to make a J4 ship with all the goodies. My dreadnoughts tended to be EITHER J3 and well-armored and well-gunned, or J4 and EITHER well-armored OR well-gunned. On the other hand, a T meson is overkill-a-mundo. I can build a reasonably solid, agility-6 DN around an N meson, a bit light in the punch and I wouldn't want to throw it even-odds against something with a T, but with adequate depth and effective scouting, it can use its strategic maneuverability to achieve local numerical superiority and offset that weakness. Box me into a TCS strategic map, there might be problems, but something on the scale of the Marches is not going to have trouble performing well.
Recall that the Imperial war plan called for bringing up reinforcements from deeper in the Marches and even further afield to respond to a Zhodani invasion; that is only a tenable plan if those reinforcements can be moved forward very quickly.
On the other, OTHER hand, there is the battlerider option. A J4 tender doesn't carry as much as a J2, but its rider is just as solid and well-armed as the rider of the J2 - and again, the J4 means strategic maneuverability to withdraw ahead of a thrust, draw in reinforcements, and then counter when you feel the odds are in your favor rather than his. This tactic requires very agile escorts able to survive the line briefly in a withdrawal, but those aren't a hard design even at J4.