As Vladika points out, you can build a decent TL15 rider at size code G. You can get up to size K - 19,999 dT - before a size code penalty triggers, but smaller is better because it means more meson spinals fielded. So, we're looking at ships roughly in the 6 to 10 thousand megacredit range.
We will assume an agility 6 rider with a factor 9 nuclear damper, equal computers (which isn't the case unless we're fighting an Imperial civil war scenario, but we'll give a bit to the attacker for this test). Nothing under a Factor 7 missile battery is penetrating. At factor 7, 0.77% hit and penetrate dampers. At factor 8, 2.31% hit and penetrate dampers. At factor 9, 6.95% hit and penetrate dampers.
Nukes are coming in over Cr100,000 per shot, say 10 per megacredit to make it simple. They're more in MegaTrav, but this is closer to the SS3 value and it makes the math easier. So, figure about 60 to 100 thousand missiles costs as much as a rider. Assuming TL15, Factor 7 is 30 turret missiles, factor 9 is a 50 dT bay launching 50 missiles, and there isn't a factor 8 so we'll drop that.
So, for factor 7 batteries, you're going to average 1 hit for every 130 shots - 1 hit vor every 3900 missiles, at a cost of MCr 390 per hit. At factor 9, it's 1 hit for every 14.4 shots - about 720 missiles, or MCr 72 per hit.
He'll also have sand, lasers, fusion guns - probably at least a battery of each and as many batteries of sand as he can manage. He'll also have at least one repulsor, more if he can fit it but priority goes to agility and armor. Figure 2 or so missile batteries that hit aren't going to get to the nuclear damper stage - actually makes surprisingly little difference unless you're in an equal odds situation.
He's going to have at least 11 factors of armor to shield his maneuver drives from your nukes, and probably more. At tech 15, his small meson spinal's a J. He's got lasers, energy weapons, missiles, particle beams, sandcasters and at least one repulsor to cushion it against weapon hits. On average, the damage table yields 0.72 weapons results for every penetrating hit, so a bit over 1 in 10 penetrating hits results in a loss of a meson factor - MCr720 per factor assuming factor 9 batteries and factor 11 armor. (Every 10 penetrating hits also means an average 2.8%/28 tons of fuel lost, which may or may not be consequential.)
Against armor at factor F, you're getting 0.33 weapon hits (and 0.083 1%/10dT fuel hits) for every penetrating hit, with the rest sliding ineffectively off the bottom of the damage chart. About 1 in 21 penetrating hits results in a loss of a meson factor - MCr 1512 per factor.
Meanwhile, if you're an optimally built small fry in the 1999dT and under range, about 1 meson shot in 100 is killing your ships, 'cause at TL15 you've probably got a meson screen of your own. That's why the fleets don't like to pit their capital ships against top-of-the-line small fry. Of course, the game wants to pit under-tech SDBs against the front-line warships instead of letting those worlds import the tech needed to do the job, but that's a different discussion.
However, short story is you're paying anywhere from half the price of the target to about the target's full price to take him out of the battle - after which he will go home, get some repairs done, and come back. His repairs would cost way less than what you spent sending him home even if he had to completely replace every damaged weapon - and the only repair rules say it's even cheaper than that - so over an extended attritional fight, you will run out of money for missiles long before he runs out of money for repairs, even if he only carries the 11 factors of armor. Missiles actually work better in the offensive role 'cause then you're depriving him of his income-generating worlds, but even then you need to have deep stocks and pray for a short war.