I almost hate to ask, but what is the Galaxiad setting?
The hints in the T5 book point to the Galaxiad being, or starting at, Imperial Year 1900.
There's nothing, and never was anything, that prevents anyone from doing exactly as you say, toss the Imperium and all the rest. The only thing that is, arguably, missing is an explicit statement to that effect. And I'm puzzled as to why something like that would be necessary, although I have to admit that the evidence shows that there are a lot of people who don't understand that they're free to do it. I just don't get that.
There's nothing, and never was anything, that prevents anyone from doing exactly as you say, toss the Imperium and all the rest. The only thing that is, arguably, missing is an explicit statement to that effect. And I'm puzzled as to why something like that would be necessary, although I have to admit that the evidence shows that there are a lot of people who don't understand that they're free to do it. I just don't get that.
Yeah, me too. I actually do love the OTU, but I can't say that I had the same kind of affinity for it as I do for say classic 1960's Star Trek, which I absolutely love as both a TV series and setting. The OTU, and I can only speak for myself, is a cool backdrop if you need it for a gaming session.*some snippage*
For me, the build your own universe aspect of Traveller has always come first because that's what you get in the basic rules. The OTU is a secondary thing that obviously has informed and even constrained the rules design but is entirely optional. In fact in using it you're just turning the world generation system into a set of lookup tables.
Simon Hibbs
No, because, being in the same generation as you, I knew a great many who would rather play a game designed for space play than modify a different one into a space game.Is it a generational thing? Back in the day, I first learned AD&D (1e). When I was ready to start DMing I wanted to do SF rather than fantasy so created a free-wheeling AD&D campaign in space ... with Daleks (and players who had never seen Dr Who). I bought JTAS 6 and 8 (7 was sold out) and added some of that in too. I don't remember seeing anything that said I could or could not do that. We all did crazy Frankensteinian mashups back then and we didn't need permission.
Having said that, my introduction to Traveller was through the OTU. It was that which attracted me. I do find the Traveller rules support the OTU setting better than other rules do and I guess I'm primarily an OTU fan rather than a Traveller fan. Of course YMMV, any setting with any rules is valid if you and your players are having fun. But for my own selfish desires: more OTU material, please. After all these years I'm still having a ball with the it.![]()
I never did any T4, but wanted to. I looked through the books, read some, didn't like the tech (suddenly there were vehicles that needed airfoils in the light of grav tech to stay aloft, which went counter to CT and MT, and suddenly the weapons were tweaked to something that fell into that kind of frame; there was better technology in previous versions, so why introduce new weapons that seem inferior?).
Maybe I had better explain my earlier comment. Basically, it is more an issue of why not allow for adventures written and published for Traveller that have nothing to do with what is now the official Traveller universe.
it might have served Traveller well to hack the high tech levels, and discover what they were all about.