Possibly, but people underestimate the infrastructure required to make things work. Like Satnav, say - GPS is turn-offable at the whim of the military of one country, and certainly wouldn't be available to Travellers in wilderness systems, unless they're able to instigate a massive satellite building programme. Similar, iPhones/cellphones/internet just aren't going to work outside "civilisation".
The "age of sail" analogy still has to apply, with as you say comms limited to speed of travel and the "island universes" of civilisation clusters. Space is big, tech is small.
I undersand the complexity of the support network even a small system requires..lBut the bulk of the expense and difficulty we encounter is the fact that wee have onloy had many advanced luxuries of a technical sort for 30 or so years. Heck I'm old enough to remember bag phones, and the day when a 300 baud modem were cutting edge...actually when I sat down at my first computer there wasn't a terrabyte of storage on the planet much less setting on my desk next to me.( yeah I'm that old...pass me my geritol, and get off my lawn

Satellites are relatively cheap compared to proper spacecraft. And they can be produced, shipped and deployed by any world capable of building small craft. The same ship that delivers a dozen or so GPS sats and a dozen or so comm sats could deploy them with minimal cost and effort.
The real cost of a satellite network isn't the individual satellites. It's getting them into the proper orbit. a factory mass producing satellites would reduce the per unit cost to a level around the same cost as a grav car.
Anyone with few megacredits to spare could afford to deploy a very nice network of survey, communication, and navigation satellites...the central supply catalog has survey satellites available on the open market for 1oo K credits,and nav-sats available for 35 K.
It might even be profitable for a private company to have dedicated ships to deploy, and maintain, sat systems for smaller worlds. A single 100 ton scout courier could launch a swarm of small sats in short order, then pop off to the next system to repair a faulty nav sat.
"Hey frank..that Nova 2190 sat array over C-sigma is out again fly over and fix it....and if they are fiddling with it themselves again...charge them an extra service fee this time..geesh fraking locals ."
It's conceivable that even a small world..a few tens of thousands could have very modern conveniences in the core settlement including cell phones, sat phones, local internet etc... I mean lets face it some third world countries with 1920s sewer systems have internet...Should I mention that a certain small isolated,m and backwards nation just managed a cyber attack when most the county doesn't have reliable utilities..
Long story short that's one area I feel Traveller may need to be updated in. The ease of use, and availability, of what we consider common tech is not carried over to a civilization several thousand years down the road.
Now that's not hard to patch, it just needs a bit of work and maybe some whizzy words tossed in to the world description. Maybe some cost adjustments to certain devices, and additional capabilities added to others.
It would be time consuming, and a pain in the neck to rewrite a lot of gadgets, and gizmos, but would not require a major overhaul of the universe, or the political structure of the Setting. Simply some "set dressing" which is often half the fun of a game.