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Twilight 2000 D20 (T20?)

A hundred "redshirts" works fine, as far as that goes - but in the T2K I've played, it's been the player characters with maybe one or two local guides from time to time. There's just not any cannon fodder around to soak up those hits.
Oh, no one said that they were guaranteed to survive - far from it. But they travel in a small group, not a company.
Are there any rules for T2000 Mass Combat anyway? Fighting between 2 groups of 100 people is bound to be cumbersome using individual T20/D20 rules. I can easily see a skirmish level campaign in T2000.
The Ruins of Warsaw module has some rules on 'Macro Combat' for larger scale actions, a scenario to play with the rules, and a fairly detailled map of the area the adventure takes place in. But that's back in first edition. Of course, GDW was a map-based wargame company before they got into the rpg end of things, so it's probably good.
Originally posted by Tom Kalbfus:
Are there any rules for T2000 Mass Combat anyway? Fighting between 2 groups of 100 people...
GDW put out a boxed version to help with larger combat, it was just a simplified board game, not bad but one battle would take up the whole night. My question is why would you want to? If you start in Poland it's you and 2-4 buddies. Not a whole lot of friendlies left alive. If you are in the US or Canada you may not be surrounded by enemies but the majority of the populace aren't going to take kindly to another group coming in and getting all rowdy. So you are likely to find yourselves in the midst of hostiles anyway.

T2K of any version is about survival. A handful of survivors trying to keep their skin intact. You want interesting large scale combat wait for your players to crash in some burned out farmhouse. Then have a depleted Polish Brigade move into the area during the night leaving the PC’s stuck in the middle. OK, its not really large scale battle, but it sure is mean..er..I mean fun.
So, what system does T20 use, d20 Modern or one more like Spycraft (no strong, smart, etc heroes)?

Has the combat systme been fixed to more accurately model close combat and close quarters battle.
T20 (Traveller D20 Version) has its own hybrid system based on 3.5. There are several changes; Stamina and lifeblood instead of just hit points, addition of extensive vehicle rules and of course starships.

The Twilight Sourcebook, which is on hold currently, is based off the T20 system. Both systems have a much more realistic combat model. Almost every time you get hit in combat you are going to lose lifeblood (Which is equal to your Con score). Armor helps reduce damage but not all. The weapons mechanics, particularly auto-fire and burst rules are the best I've read (D20 Modern, Spycraft, Star Wars). T20 has almost non-existent melee and hand-to-hand combat. Twilight will have an updated form which is closest to the Star Wars system. Nothing fancy, but the ability to dish out more damage, trip, throw, disarm your opponent. There are also rules which allow knockout blows and one shot kills with the proper feats and skill levels, and an unaware target. The system has enough detail to satisfy a CQC buff, but not enough to bog down the play.

Unlike other modern and future games, Traveller and Twilight is fatal to the movie hero character. If you dash out in front of a machinegun nest, or stand around to return fire in an ambush the character will die. If you go toe to toe with an armored vehicle, the character will die. You get shot more than 2 or three times, dead. A single crit with a good damage roll, dead. The use of cover and concealment is vital to keep your character alive. It is a down and dirty system. Powergamers may not be pleased since they won’t be able to simply wade in and kill the enemy. Detail buffs will find it just what they want. The emphasis is on roll playing and living a story.

Hope this long winded answer helped.
Actually, T20 came out before Modern, and is based on 3E, not v3.5. However, in terms of class design, it is similar to Spycraft, in that the core classes are related to careers instead of archtypes.

Hope that helps clarify,

BTW, if you are looking for a nice, generic Mass Combat system for D20-based games, I would recommend the Grim Tales Mass Combat PDF:
I'm intrigued by the idea of a T2K T20 version. Unfortunately, it's not here right now.

What I do (in the meantime) is use the T2K setting with the D20 Modern rules. D20 Apocolypse has good rules for equipment, salvage, alternative fuel supplies etc. The keys to making this work, however, are the Blood and Guts rules (from RPGObjects and available from RPGnow.com) The Combat Procedures and Military Operations supplements are excellent. The former provides rules for military characters while the latter provides options for making combat more realistic and deadly.

For me, these rules make a T2K game that is far superior to any of the prior GDW versions (which I was a big fan of).