Seems to me moving other peoples cargo should be for Subbies. If you are not subbed then speculate and make your own profit.
It takes a bit of number crunching but it is doable. Mail runs are a big plus also.
Then take a chapter from the airlines and hit em with all sorts of extra fees.
Need extra stowage? That will cast you 2K per half ton.
Basic food packets not good enough at meals? 2 K per week for hand prepped meals served by a non robotic steward.
Laundry? 500 per week
Vidio usage in the lounge? 100
Piped into your stateroom? 500
Vac suit rentals? 100 on retainer, 1K in an emergency...:devil:
So on and so forth.
I like the rider of 5K per parsec after the first for a jump. Still cheaper than short hops.
It takes a bit of number crunching but it is doable. Mail runs are a big plus also.
Then take a chapter from the airlines and hit em with all sorts of extra fees.
Need extra stowage? That will cast you 2K per half ton.
Basic food packets not good enough at meals? 2 K per week for hand prepped meals served by a non robotic steward.
Laundry? 500 per week
Vidio usage in the lounge? 100
Piped into your stateroom? 500
Vac suit rentals? 100 on retainer, 1K in an emergency...:devil:
So on and so forth.
I like the rider of 5K per parsec after the first for a jump. Still cheaper than short hops.