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Un Sub or Supernatural Forces

Perhaps "better" Marine is subjective... I got the Impression that Sardaukar were incredible troops, but also quite psychotic because of thier upbringing/conditioning...which can be goodif you want to kill a lot of people, but a real handful when the fightings over. A sharp contrast would be the fedaykin in the early days... Why not do something strange like the Fish Speakers? (All females) Something based on a gender specific Role?

Along the lines of your Ninja I have always wanted to niclude an updated Monk IMTU. I want to iclude religion in a futuristic setting and the only thing I could think of being "justifiable" would varying sects of Hinduism, Bhuddists and some "weird" shinto-ists.

Practicers would be academics or monks.

I don't have players so I've never sat down and fleshed it out.
Why would only Asian disciplines be considered? I only say this to aid in the Rumination of the topic, but the "Ninja" thing is a little "1982" in basic concept. I'm sure that in the deeps of space, there would be forms of martial training that would make ninjitsu look like a folk dance.

Just a thought...

Ninjitsu is a bit 1982, but so is the OTU.

Seriously, though, I actually used "ninja" as a catch-all for professional, in-the-trenches martial artists. The actual methodology is abstract; just a couple of feats to stack on top of brawling.
Hmmm...my setting for my campaign is just that - the "Ancients" are NOT Droyne, but are rather creature which have been imprisioned in an alternate dimension - read "JumpSpace". Those that imprisoned them died out milennia ago, and they're trying very hard to come back.

I've got a "JumpSpace Awareness" psionic discipline, which one of my players took as the "plot-hook talent". he's not aware of what it's for yet, and may never figure it out.

I can't wait until the players start to realize that the Droyne suck up to the Hivers because they're "high priests" of a sort, and that the Hivers in turn are subsiervent to another race, which is in more direct contact with "Those who have gone before" - which the players so far take to mean that the Droyne follow a religion superficially similar to Shinto belief with ancestor worship. Should be interesting...