In any war, the true target is the will to fight. When enough of the right people are convinced that fighting is useless, the war is over. Psyops is the true weapon infinately more powerful than bombs and bullets.
The Nazis had to believe that they were not the supermen they were convinced they were. That took 5 years of continuous war.
The Japanese in 1945 would have fought to extinction. Two bombs that each destroyed a city convinced their Emporer and military council that fighting further would only end in the complete extinction of the Japanese race.
General Adid convinced the American public that it would cost too much with no real benefit for the USA to stay in Somali.
The defenders of the Alamo had no real idea what their sacrifice would generate.
The spartans under Leonidas knew they were the best fighting organization in their world. They knew they had to delay Xerxes and his 200,000 troops with their 300. They were not defeated even whipped out to the last man. They did delay the Persions long enough for the rest of the Greeks to mobilize and defeat Xerses.
The war is over when the will to fight is over.
Side note
Origionally posted by Bhoins
Nice thought but I don't think that Combat Armor, especially TL-14 combat armor, compares at all to MOPP suits. It appears to be fairly comfortable,
TL14 Combat armor is a hard suit. I have worn MOPP2 and MOPP4 for extended periods of time. The heat is definately a problem, but it still doesn't compair to a hard suit. I have fought in SCA armor, Plate, coat of plates, chainmail, and leather. Even with long term heavy training in hard armor, after 12 hours a person is combat ineffective. Unless the hardsuit is fully supportive, pain becomes a factor with spinal and joint compression. Powered battledress will be fully supportive, but nonpowered combat armor would not be. By TL14, the heat problems would be alleviated as would the persperation problems. To get an idea of how uncomfortable armor is, watch how long it takes for the dear to come off after an all clear is sounded. It takes about 9 seconds to get a mask on and operational, or 2 seconds to peel a mask off. After an SCA combat, the sounds you hear are gauntlets, then helms, then torso protection hitting the ground. Calls for water quickly follow. The reason gauntlets hit the ground first is it is quicker to peel the other armor off wiht bare hands.
Back to the subject, to defend against a superior foe. To really defend against a stronger military foe, the cheapest action is to give that opponent someone else to worry about. An expansionist force is sure to have more enemies than just you. Steal a ship of enemy A and start commerce raiding against Enemy B who has the power to hurt Enemy A, then Enemy A and Enemy B should waste their power fighting each other while you can build up and make alliances to put yourself in a position to never have to worry about Enemy A or B for a long time. This works best with a few blackops missions to give both enemies more reason to hate each other. Messy assasinations, chemical or bio weapons, and political dove party targets. Afterall, your aim is to keep from being invaded as effectively as possible. This way, you risk none of your oun ships, few of your people, and get lots of entertaining news to broadcast. What more could you want?