Originally posted by belter:
Does anyone know what T20 or CT rules would be involved if one ship wanted to hurl or throw robots at another ship? This would be done at close range with a shotgun approach - some hit and grab on and some miss. The robots would not have propulsion, just inertia.
Not sure about the rules (should be a simple vector calculation) but unless you also employ some pretty powerful sensor jamming, or stealth, it will be a pretty easy tactic to negate.
"Sir, sensors have detected several small bogeys separating from the enemy ships. They appear to be on a collision course."
"Helm, alter course to take us out of the path of the new bogeys. Sensors, keep an eye on them and advise if they alter course to intercept."
"Aye sir, course altered."
"No change in trajectory sir, they appear to be on a simple low velocity launch with no independent maneuvering."
"Very good, proceed to target."
Unless I'm missing something in your vision of the tactic (which is entirely possible

As to the whole Robotics question, for me it comes down to a definition of the term. My suggested "smart mines", more properly independent weapons platforms, would count in my view as Robots though a lot of people would disagree.
I'm getting a foggy recollection of something like your idea from some Anime (I think) but that's all it is, a foggy image in my mind of a massive swarm of little 'bots attacking a ship and taking it apart. Hmm, maybe its the spider things from SG1 I'm recalling. Or it might be some idea I had to use a bit from a (Niven?) story?
Anyway, on to another idea or two...
I don't think the idea of a little robot (just how big are you thinking?) affecting the jump of a large ship (somebody said 20KT iirc) by detaching should work. The problem with drop tanks is they are a significant percentage of the ship (istr some official guidelines on jump interference based on relative size somewhere, might be in one of the jump masking discussions). And even with drop tanks it only adds a little to the chance of misjump.
A perhaps better idea (depending on the stretch of your belief suspenders) would be for the robots to disable or mess with a significant fraction of the hull grid (if its part of ytu) to cause the misjump. Or if they are stealthily applied have them just hunker down till the ship enters jump and then start taking it apart.
Going way back to when this started my first and most unconventional idea (though it might not be considered "warfare" by some) was to suggest suing for peace. Approach the Imperium with a projected cost to them for the coming campaign and suggest that you would be amenable to a peaceful occupation for a one time payment of that amount
and certain considerations
Hey if the negotiations fail the worst you've done is wasted some diplomats time while you still prepare for the whole guerilla campaign.
Another option, presuming enough lead time and the right conditions, sabotage. Either send people in or buy the right people and mess with the enemy ships before the battle. They will probably be in port for a quick pre-war tune up. You could maybe slip a few surprises aboard, material or persons. Even a tailored virus (people not computer) could cause all kinds of problems and be relatively cheap.
This is all based on the 6 months of warning of course. Things change big time if the fleet just pops into the systems and announces that you have x-time to surrender.