Where (which traveller book) is a J2 world to world listed as being J1 oort cloud to oort cloud?
Does that work out mathematically?
(I knew oort clouds were far away, but 1/2 parsec?)
CT AM Solomani is fairly vague on the matter:
The range of the jump-I drives first developed by UNSCA was insufficient to reach the nearest star — Alpha Centauri. It took several years before a US.Space Force team based on Luna tried a mission which, in several trips, established an intermediate stopover and refuelling point about one parsec out. For various scientific reasons, the mission was to Barnard's Star instead of Alpha Centauri. (AM5:Solomani p. 4)
The thing is that Barnards is 5.98 LY away...
Presuming an oort, and a median distance of 1.5LY for the oort objects... a 1.5 LY jump, a 3 LY jump, and another 1.5 LY jump covers it.
IIRC, S&A specifies a rogue asteroid.
GTIW specifies a rogue planet:
a candidate rogue planet was found, located so that jump-1 starships could reach it from both Sol and Barnard’s Star. (GTIW, p. 129)
(Note: Technically, this would be a planemo, not a planet, due to the lack of a star to orbit and the IAU definition.)