Originally posted by Antares Administration:
The biggest problem with the Eurocentric view of the apocolypse is that nations have long memories.....Some European nations might 'opt out' of a conflict, as might the US or Canada, but ending up on opposing sides of an escalating conflict (like WW1) is unlikely, at least until the old memories die.
What assets? Corporate ones? Personal ones? In an age of electronic finance.....
So it's the old guard (France, Germany, maybe Italy, Belgium) vs. the UK, maybe Spain, and the new EU (Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, etc). That is a possibility, if there are no other enemies.
The real fight of the 21st century will involve the rise of China as an economic superpower..... [/QB]
Good points all.
France, Germany and Russian have all spoken out very strongly against the US forcing "US policy". America has demonstrated a very stubborn streak and has been supported, most strongly by the UK, in staying the course. In the middle are the “poor countries needing freedom from tyranny”. Current history has shown all the major voices taking very little regard for what the nations in question really need. Each pushing their special needs to the front.
Old memories are quickly changing. (trying not to break down into a deep political discussion, in which I would get my tail cleaned

) Korea and Germany are good examples where the younger, fresher generations are moving into leadership positions. In another 5 to 10 years it may simply be the case of “what have you done for me lately”.
When sanctions are placed against the US and assets seized I’m thinking of mostly strategic targets. The US military bases in Germany are considered a major factor in world defense. There are also communication points ranging from satellite communications centers to landline and microwave. The host nations take back the ownership and the US is looking at a serious handicap in maintaining national, and world, security. We would want them back.
The old guard comes into play. Yes, China is a real hotspot and in the real world timeline I believe it will be a major factor. For T2k, China may very well be the catalyst behind uniting Russia again.
A group of NATO soldiers, stranded in China, would make for an interesting adventure.
I look forward to seeing your timeline thoughts.