But still, this general approach is plausible enough. In particular, it requires no great coincidences to work. Just a couple of posts ago, we had someone essentially talking about occupying Iraq until the Iraqis learn to behave like civilised human beings. In other words, Iraqis are children and barbarians who need to be governed by the Benevolent Empire for their own good.
What have we found there? Mass Graves? What has Iraq done in the last 12 years? Invade Kuwait. Saddam Hussein has tortured people, and murdered them while building statues of himself and naming schools after himself. Hussein had extensive cooperation of the Iraqi people in their own oppression, those same Iraqis are still in Iraq. Friends and relatives have spyed on each other and betrayed each other. Iraq has been a problem for the middle east for quite a while, and they have paid suicide bombers to disrupt the peace process. And you say we are treating them like children? I am only saying that if there is to be democracy in Iraq, we give them time to get it right. If they are forced to govern themselves immediately, they will turn to those within their country who have experience in governing, in other words the Baath Party, or a Shiite Cleric imported from Iran to set up a cookie cutter Islamic Fundamentalist government in Iraq. Iraq needs some time to develop some alternatives to these two choices. An occupation government gives them this time. Ideally democracy should begin at the local level with the election of town mayors and town councils. Given time Iraqi politicians will have a chance to establish their reputations outside the influence of the Baath Party or Iran. The Iraqi people will get some idea on which politicians they can trust more than others, and some of these local politicians will be elected to higher office. This process will go on for some time, until finally Iraqis can be elected to the National government. That would be the reasoning behind US occupation in Iraq, and that's what we should have done in Afghanistan too.
Now in other parts of the Arab world their has been some anti-US propaganda to distract the locals against demanding more freedoms from their government. This blame-the-US movenment has been convienient to the autocrats, while they have tried to keep in low key, so they can continue to sell oil to us, it has gotten out of control and terrorist attacks have increased against American citizens. So far the US has turned the other cheek, but this can only go on for so long. After 9/11 the US has been less willing to turn the other cheek and overlook things, the war on Terrorism has begun. For the Europeans, this is just a metaphor, the usual blather that US politicians spout to get reelected, they assumed George Bush was just another hypocritical politician like one of their own, or Bill Clinton, in this they were wrong. George Bush did not back down, and the US army invaded Iraq. In order to prevent this invasion, France fanned some anti-US sentiment hoping to pusuade the US just to drop a few bombs, declare victory and go home, this didn't work and the anti-US sentiment remained and some more radical politicians began to exploit this in their campaigns. Now into the future.
These trends continue, Terrorism increases, the Europeans are increasingly uncoorperative in combating it, as they see it as an American problem, and some even begin to champion the causes of the terrorists. Finally one terrorist gets his hand on a crude atomic weapon from Iran and destroys Washington DC with a crude Atomic weapon. By eliminating the US government, they have left a power vacuum that is filled by something else. The US warfighting potential is mostly preserved, but those at the top are now nastier and no longer willing to turn the other cheek to these outrages, they are also more willing to blame a whole group of people rather than specific individuals, as they are blinded by hatred and revenge. The American Imperium has begun and the leftists throughout the world and the Muslim Fundamentalists finally get what they have wanted, just before millions of them begin to die. The Europeans find this new American Fascism very alarming and some of them sympahize with the poor oppressed Arabs who are now being killed by the Americans. Some of that symthathy goes to far from the point of view of the new American Government and the Europeans now find themselves in the crosshairs of Americans vengence. Blinded by hatred and revenge, their is little room left for reason and a limited nuclear exchange occurs between the US, Europe, Russia, and China with the Arab world getting fragged in the first volley. The Latin Americans were completely forgotten in all of this, and Mexico is tempted to retake territory it lost in the 19th century. In this new Twilight 2000 universe the action takes place in France instead of Poland, as France has raised the ire of too many Americans to escape this time. Poland can take its place in the new T-2000 timeline or perhaps Britian.