The Oz
SOC-14 1K
a sure defeat in the making. it could be months before any reinforcements arrive, even if enemy activity doesn't delay them. in the meantime the enemy is free to maneuver, set up bases at will, concentrate and attack at leisure.
I'm referring to the official Imperial Navy strategy, as outlined in Supplement #9. There are two main tenets to this strategy: one tactical/operational, and the other operational/strategic.
#1: Supp. #9, page 5; Background-says that the "elastic defense" strategy relies on colonial forces centered around "islands of resistance" able to stand long sieges. Imperial Navy forces in the frontier are raiders and delayers, holding things up until the main Navy forces from Corridor can intervene.
#2: Supp. #9, page 9, says that battlerider squadrons have been concentrated in the reserves while frontier delaying forces are composed exclusively of jump-capable ships able to retreat on their own.
To me this makes sense, especially in the Spinward Marches, where the really valuable worlds (high tech =and= high pop) are few and far between. Planets without high tech and the population to deploy it cannot defend themselves and the Imperial Navy cannot defend all of them since the enemy will always be able to concentrate superior numbers.
The Imperial strategy is intended to reinforce the few worlds that are able to defend themselves and keep mobile (especially self-retreating) forces operating to delay the enemy, until sufficient forces have been assembled from Corridor. The Zhos and their allies end up with detachments from their fleet watching all the worlds under siege, and other detachments hunting the Imperial raiding forces. Then the Imperial Navy goes on the offensive, seeking the enemy fleet, not enemy-held worlds. Once the Zhodani main fleet is crushed (as we see happening during the Abyss campaign as described in SMC) the war naturally ends as the Zhodani cannot hope to hold any conquests without their fleet.