If a single characteristic is knocked to zero, then consciousness is knocked to zero after ten minutes. And yes, if you have a Medic and a medkit you characteristics will go back up to full in about thirty minutes. But without that medic and medkit recovery of characteristics will take three full days. And there will be times a PC is without a medic and medkit at hand. So it kind of a serious matter.
I'm thinking twisted ankle, or a decent bruise--something that will be a problem without treatment for a day or three but not a Serious Wound. A gunshot wound or a cut/stab, broken bones, or worse, like punctured lungs are Serious Wounds.
Just my take.
And these lowered characteristic values are the values used for weapons and skills.
I always assumed this in the rules. But the CT Errata clarifies this:
Interesting. And, a good catch. :coffeegulp:
It's not super easy to get
there, though, without the errata, since damage to stats doesn't effect skill rolls normally.
I can see it, and I like that errata rule. I think this reinforces my assertion above about Minor and Serious wounds, too. A gunshot wound (not a graze) is an attack with damage that makes two physical stats go to zero. Damage other than that is a Minor Wound--something that will heal completely in half an hour with medical help or in three days without medical help.
Whether or not one "hits" is not what the Combat Throw is about. Along with the Damage roll it is how much Effective Damage was done.
Exactly. You've got to look at the effects of the attack. A successful attack with an autopistol does not mean the character was shot.
Damage is abstract.
This is very similar to D&D (I'm thinking of AD&D--what competed with Traveller when I first started playing). A longsword does 1d8 damage, and maximum damage may be rolled against a foe with 60 hit points. Does that mean the attacker skewered his foe with his longsword? No. The foe is completely healthy with 52 hit points remaining.
The same abstract idea applies with an autohit from an SMG that fails to score enough damage reduce the target with one physical stat at zero. Even if one physical does go to zero with that SMG damage, if two physicals don't go to zero, we're still talking about a minor wound which can't be a gunshot wound (a graze at the most).
I still don't like rolling a successful hit and then finding I have done no damage or negative damage.
I can understand that. But, it's not too different from rolling autofire on a target and not reducing any physical stat to zero. Unlikely, but it happens.
any successful hit does a minimum of 1 point of damage per damage die rolled
A good call if you want a truly deadly game. Traveller characters have few "hit points" though. I think I agree with the CT designers, and by experience of play, I think the balance between deadliness and fun play-ability is balanced pretty well.
If I had to criticize CT, it would be a situation where a PC with high physical stats has no real fear of a foe with, say, an autopistol, thinking that a successful attack can't mathematically reduce the target to even one stat at zero.
Of course, that's why the first blood rule exists, right? All unarmored PCs, no matter their physical stats, fear the the idea of all damage being placed randomly on one stat.
And, if the PC survives that, then his stats are reduced so that damage after the first hit is feared because the character no longer has high stats after taking the first blood damage.