• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Well, that's it then.


SOC-14 1K
I've pretty much had enough. For what, 5-6 years, I've tried to keep going with 2320AD. Despite all the pauses, absences, lack of communication, and a myriad of other issues.

I'm done.

The only way now that I would continue any involvement with 2320AD is, quite frankly, if someone else owned it, preferably me. If Hunter does move forward further, I would still expect residuals based on sales, but I'm done writing or creating for it. I have new projects to move on to.

My apologies to the community if they feel they've been ill-served, and in particular to the artists and others who contributed to 2320AD, often at my behest, and have yet to receive any sort of recompense. If I had any idea that things would go that way, I would never have gotten anyone else involved.

2320AD was a dream project for me, a chance to revisit my favorite gaming setting, add to it, and share that with like-minded folks. I'm sorry that it is ending this way. I'm sorry that I didn't get a chance to produce the material I wanted to, and sorry that others couldn't make their contributions either.

Finally, to Hunter Gordon. I wish you the best of luck. I hope everything works out for you. Despite my misgivings at the way this project has gone, I still like you as an individual. And thank you, for giving me this opportunity, no matter how it turned out.
*psychotic scream*

I am sorry that your involvement in one of my favorite settings has come to an end. I was hoping for a couple of supplements, but it looks like I'll have to rely on my own creativity and borrowing from other gaming systems.

Best of luck in all you do.
Colin, you have done such amazing work and as a community we cannot thank you enough.
We will mourn you moving on but understand completely your decision. Your recent frustration has been evident and anybody would do the same. The best of luck in your future endeavors. You will be missed.
Hi Colin. As stated elsewhere Im right behind you.

I drew 20+ full colour logos for the rulebook well over a year ago and have received not even an e-mail from hunter let alone payment.

Guess the players will never see that fold out plan of the Bayern i drew huh?


IF you ever get hold of the rights... ANYTHING you need buddy. just ask ;)

oh and hunter... please respond and let me know those drawings i did have been discarded. Thanks.

heartfelt thanks for all you have put in over the years.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh !

Even given my level of frustration, I can only imagine what it has been like for you ...

Best wishes, and good luck in whatever endeavours you go onto, and if it involves a SciFi RPG, do let us know ! :-)

Drew South
Sigh... Well, it was a nice dream while it lasted.

I do hope that maybe, just maybe, Colin or someone else (i.e. someone responsible) will buy the rights and turn them over to someone who'll actually work to publish 2320 in some format.

I'm sick of hearing Hunter's excuses.
As a mere bystander, my disappointment in the halt of this project presumably pales in comparison with that of the writers and artists involved, but I would like to thank them all for their creativity and hard work in making psossible the glimpses of the future of 2300 that I have seen on this site.

Best wshes on whichever creative projects you pursue in the future.

Make him an offer.
He just wants to be payed. :)
OGL adventures anyone?

It's not even just a matter of being paid, though, yes, that is a factor. It's a matter of my work seeing the light of day. Of not waiting months for a response. Of putting extra, (unpaid) work into it, so that it would be the best I could possibly make it. Of not seeing and hearing poor reviews because needed updates didn't happen. Even after I had supplied the updates.

I hold no ill-will to Hunter because of all of this. I certainly understand what takes priority. But I can't wait anymore either.
This is a sad day. I can understand completely Collin and sympathise, my own project fell apart due to a lack of contact from the IP owner.

I wish you all the best in whatever direction the future takes you. If it's as good as what you've done for 2320, I'm sure it will be bright.
I don't know what to say ....

In any case my sincere thanks for at least trying to make things work Colin. Shame you've been let down so badly.

>I certainly understand what takes priority

I wish everyone felt the same about this .... providing what you've been paid for not creating a new product should be priority.
That's a real shame Colin, but entirely understandable. 2320 was a good move forward for a defunct game with a lingering cult following, not to mention a ripe setting for additional supplements.

All the best.

Dan Hebditch
Colin, and fellow lovers of 2300ad-

Ditto what everybody else has posted to this thread. Whoever gets the rights to 2300/2320ad, maybe it can be posted at lulu.com for someone to purchase at their leasure. I still hope to get the pdf version one of these days - but still want the dead tree version too. Maybe another phoenix can be born out of this.
I do hope that maybe, just maybe, Colin or someone else (i.e. someone responsible) will buy the rights and turn them over to someone who'll actually work to publish 2320 in some format.

How much are we talking for the rights ? If someone can get Hunter etc to answer me directly with a halfway sensible answer ....
How much are we talking for the rights ? If someone can get Hunter etc to answer me directly with a halfway sensible answer ....
I very much doubt that Hunter has the right to sell the rights to a third party without MWM's agreement, even if Hunter were to agree. Given the underlying reason behind all of this, neither seems likely.
Wishes of health and prosperity to you

Oh man.

That's sad news. I guess what's worse is that it's not entirely surprising to me. :( I was waiting to purchase 2320 in some other format than PDF, but it's increasingly felt like it was a pipe dream - I guess this sort of confirms it. You've kicked butt to get this thing going and working Colin, and I think I can say that everyone feels your frustration at this. Best of luck in whatever you do next.
Is/was 2320 a rules update or a setting book?

A rules update is just stuck til the license expires.
A setting book is fair game for an OGL product.

(I loved the original Twilight 2000, but just never played the 2300 version.)
It is a setting book with extensive rules revisions to T20.

It is free of Rules Material for 2300AD.
Colin sorry to hear that after all your work (and others) that it has come to this.

The worst part about it all is that the writting was on the wall for years now and you have had to put up with the futile waiting for Hunter, I hope that there is a future for your work and still life left in the 2300/2320AD product and as I said years ago if not from QLI then someone who can do it justice.

As I've said elsewhere, I'd be willing to work with QLI in the future if certain very serious but fixable issues could be sorted out. In fact I recently had a good idea.

My Far Avalon setting is designed to be rules-generic. I know QLI is planning a move to a setting-agnostic SF rules set. There's an opportunity there for cooperation perhaps, at least to allow key concepts to remain possible in the design and thus ensure compatibility.

I've just mentioned the same idea to Marc since T5 is going to be background independent. While I'm not a T5 fan by any means, some people will like it and use it to game with.

Now, similar comments could apply to 2320 as to Far Avalon. If it became a rules-independent setting that might complement the rules being developed elsewhere while remaining independent so that an issue with any one of the four potential products (2320, Far Avalon, T5 and SF20) would not harm the others.

I wonder if that's a possible way forward - loose cooperation to mutual benefit rather than anyone depending on anyone else. Hmm, something to ponder there maybe. Sort of a People's Collective for SF Gaming type thing. That way if someone has a major problem it doesn't screw the others up.

Of course, this rather depends on 2320 becoming independent. No idea what the odds of that might be.