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What are the currencies of the major races?


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What are the currencies of the major races?

The other day ago I was thinking about interstellar trading and economics and it sparked a thought in me. Other than the Imperial Crimp (the Imperial Credit), I couldn't think of any other currency used by a major race.

*** Do we know what the currencies of each major race are named? What are the currencies of the major races? What do we know about them? ***

I haven't really done any serious digging through my traveler library yet, but I thought I'd shoot the question out to the community first...

Thank you ahead of time!

What are the currencies of the major races?

The other day ago I was thinking about interstellar trading and economics and it sparked a thought in me. Other than the Imperial Crimp (the Imperial Credit), I couldn't think of any other currency used by a major race.

*** Do we know what the currencies of each major race are named? What are the currencies of the major races? What do we know about them? ***

I haven't really done any serious digging through my traveler library yet, but I thought I'd shoot the question out to the community first...

In MgT: Zhodani, they use the "Abridlnad" (please someone check my spelling - I do not have the book in front of me and am doing it by memory). It has also (in other non-MgT publications) been called Zhodani "scrip", though that may be referring to something else used as an exchange-medium with outside polities.
It has also (in other non-MgT publications) been called Zhodani "scrip", though that may be referring to something else used as an exchange-medium with outside polities.

Scrip is a generic term used for anything that can be substituted for legal tender. It isn't specific to Zhodani.


Baron Ovka
In MgT: Zhodani, they use the "Abridlnad" (please someone check my spelling - I do not have the book in front of me and am doing it by memory). It has also (in other non-MgT publications) been called Zhodani "scrip", though that may be referring to something else used as an exchange-medium with outside polities.

Don wrote that. RIP. So it's probably canon now.

Thanks for the tip off.

Given the very widespread use of the US Dollar in pricing of goods for international trade, the Solomani area could be using a currency called the "Dollar".

The territorial Aslan and Vargr could make use a currency derived from the term for the amount of land needed to support a pride or a pack. The same could hold true for the K'kree, except based on the amount of land required to feed one adult.

Ranch land and pasture in the US are referred to in terms of animal-unit-months, that being the amount of land required to support one animal unit of 1,000 pounds for one month. With good pasture, you might have more than one month per acre, with some Western US ranch land, it might take 12 or more acres to equal an animal-unit-month. I have no idea on how the translation of animal-unit-month would be in K'kree, but it at least represents a base to start from.

As the Droyne are familiar with the use of Coyns in their society, they may use a currency based on them or derived from them, with the images on the currency representing Positive Concepts. The greater the strength of the Positive, the greater the value of the coin or currency.
Coyns are used in casting ceremonies and, IMO, would not be sullied in the use of an exchange medium!

Depending on the size of the urban setting, there may be just one to maybe as much as a handful of sets of coyns.

Again, just my opinion.

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Given the very widespread use of the US Dollar in pricing of goods for international trade, the Solomani area could be using a currency called the "Dollar".

The Solomani Confederation (SC) book had illustrations of coins.

I tend to think of the SC as somewhat like the "European Union" so I imagine something based upon that analogy would be better, a Sollie version of the "Euro", perhaps a "Terro" or some such. "Sollie" sounds terrible.

A currency used throughout the CF. Supplemented by member currencies and local trade blocs... And the like.

The territorial Aslan and Vargr could make use a currency derived from the term for the amount of land needed to support a pride or a pack. The same could hold true for the K'kree, except based on the amount of land required to feed one adult.

For Aslan, I see something based upon the Tlaukhu and something that holds value across the clans, certainly land-based, but perhaps somewhat more symbolic in nature. And probably based upon a territorial futures market.

With Vargr, I see the Julian Protectorate as a basis for a supra-polity. It has everything in place to give the Extents more structure. And its loose enough to not over-irritate the Vargr sensibilities... While readily demonstrating the benefits of larger group actions.

Imagine if the Vargr were the Celts-Gauls-Britons-Germanics, etc. facing the Imperial Romans and suddenly become united in action rather than little chunks getting ready to be bitten off... I can see it as a viable story arc. Untilt he virus and all that mess hits. Then it's "do-over" time...

Ranch land and pasture in the US are referred to in terms of animal-unit-months, that being the amount of land required to support one animal unit of 1,000 pounds for one month. With good pasture, you might have more than one month per acre, with some Western US ranch land, it might take 12 or more acres to equal an animal-unit-month. I have no idea on how the translation of animal-unit-month would be in K'kree, but it at least represents a base to start from.

I don't think the K'kree have concrete concepts of land ownership. I think, with them, it's all or nothing. Much closer to early Native-American or indigenous central Asiatic thought (Cumans, Pechenegs, Kumiks, Chukchi, etc.).

Check out a story called "How Much Land Does a Man Need?" by Leo Tolstoy.

External Link: [http://www.online-literature.com/tolstoy/2738/ ]

I think the psychology of the K'kree is much more macro-socially oriented. Less rugged individualism and much more socialism and commune-style living. Central authority, if you will, through a distributed network. Think Israeli Kibbutz, but not Moshav. Think Native-American lodge and gift or honor economy. Think Potlatch. Think Whuffie.

As the Droyne are familiar with the use of Coyns in their society, they may use a currency based on them or derived from them, with the images on the currency representing Positive Concepts. The greater the strength of the Positive, the greater the value of the coin or currency.

I put thought into this too. Droyne currency.

In my brainstorming, I cam up with the idea of a psionic charge being imbued into coins. With the idea that psionics have a charge, positive, neutral, or negative. Droyne can sense this psionic charge. So can Zhodani, but to a lesser degree, not so well or finely tuned as Droyne.

Casting coins have a positive psionic charge the same as conventional organic life.

Negative-charged coins have the same reading as minerals and items not considered traditionally alive by the loose definitions of life held by the Solomani and other carbon-water-based life forms.

Truly neutral charged items are rare and take some doing as well as significant psionic engineering. This is what the Droyne use for coins. Psionically neutral coins, very useful to psion in that they can easily have their psionic polarity changed.

So a casting coin would already be psionically positive, and useful for Droyne in psionic activity whereas a psionically neutral currency would be like a neutral alchemical item, useful as a sort of "philosopher's stone" in its flexibility.

Just some brainstorming...

The Solomani Confederation (SC) book had illustrations of coins.

I take it that is a book or module. I do not have it. I am not sure if the Euro is going to survive, while I suspect that the Dollar, or at least the term "Dollar" will.

I have no idea as to what this means.

With Vargr, I see the Julian Protectorate

I assume that this is derived from Traveller: The New Era. That is not a version that I am particularly enamored of.

With respect to the K'kree, I do not have them in MTU, so just tossing out ideas. I have been to a Potlatch however.

I put thought into this too. Droyne currency.

In my brainstorming, I cam up with the idea of a psionic charge being imbued into coins. With the idea that psionics have a charge, positive, neutral, or negative. Droyne can sense this psionic charge. So can Zhodani, but to a lesser degree, not so well or finely tuned as Droyne.

Casting coins have a positive psionic charge the same as conventional organic life.

Negative-charged coins have the same reading as minerals and items not considered traditionally alive by the loose definitions of life held by the Solomani and other carbon-water-based life forms.

Truly neutral charged items are rare and take some doing as well as significant psionic engineering. This is what the Droyne use for coins. Psionically neutral coins, very useful to psion in that they can easily have their psionic polarity changed.

So a casting coin would already be psionically positive, and useful for Droyne in psionic activity whereas a psionically neutral currency would be like a neutral alchemical item, useful as a sort of "philosopher's stone" in its flexibility.

Just some brainstorming...

I do like your ideas on the Droyne, and I need to give some thought at to using them in MTU. Would that be okay with you? If I do publish a module, I will give you full credit.
For Aslan, I see something based upon the Tlaukhu . . .
I have no idea as to what this means.

The Tlaukhu is the "council" (for lack of better term) of the 29 senior-most clans of the Aslan that meet on Kusyu to arbitrate interclan disputes and settle issues of Hierate-level scope. You will have to ask Maksimsmelchak where he is going with this in particular.

With Vargr, I see the Julian Protectorate as a basis for a supra-polity. It has everything in place to give the Extents more structure. And its loose enough to not over-irritate the Vargr sensibilities... While readily demonstrating the benefits of larger group actions.
I assume that this is derived from Traveller: The New Era. That is not a version that I am particularly enamored of.

The Julian Protectorate (which has strong Vargr connections) goes all the way back to CT:Library Data. The Julian War occurred in the 180's-190's Imperial as a consequence of the Imperial Pacification Campaigns. As the early 3rd Imperium (under the Archduke of Antares) attempted to reclaim the former Old Imperial territories in Meshan, Mendan, and Amdukan, they met stiff resistance from the polities already there, who subsequently formed a confederation known as the Julian Protectorate. They were ultimately successful in holding off the Imperial advance, and as part of the peace treaty, were able to insist upon not only their own extra-Imperial independence, but also the creation of the intra-Imperial autonomous region known as the League of Antares, that endures down to the time of the CT-era. The failure of the Imperial advance likewise caused the Imperium to reevaluate its Naval structure, which directly led the the formation of the dual hierarchy Subsector Navy/Naval Reserve system.
The Tlaukhu is the "council" (for lack of better term) of the 29 senior-most clans of the Aslan that meet on Kusyu to arbitrate interclan disputes and settle issues of Hierate-level scope. You will have to ask Maksimsmelchak where he is going with this in particular.

Thank you, I will look up the reference, but if it is in the Aslan Alien Module, I am not sure if I have that one.

The Julian Protectorate (which has strong Vargr connections) goes all the way back to CT:Library Data. The Julian War occurred in the 180's-190's Imperial as a consequence of the Imperial Pacification Campaigns. As the early 3rd Imperium (under the Archduke of Antares) attempted to reclaim the former Old Imperial territories in Meshan, Mendan, and Amdukan, they met stiff resistance from the polities already there, who subsequently formed a confederation known as the Julian Protectorate. They were ultimately successful in holding off the Imperial advance, and as part of the peace treaty, were able to insist upon not only their own extra-Imperial independence, but also the creation of the intra-Imperial autonomous region known as the League of Antares, that endures down to the time of the CT-era. The failure of the Imperial advance likewise caused the Imperium to reevaluate its Naval structure, which directly led the the formation of the dual hierarchy Subsector Navy/Naval Reserve system.

I ran a check of the CT Library Data, and find nothing on the Julian Protectorate. Nor does the Julian Protectorate or League of Antares show up anywhere.
For the Vargr, Imperium Credit would predominate, especially the closer you get to the border; and if you can launder it. The same holds true for whatever the Zhodani are using.

Internally, I'm thinking Zkubysnakz.
I ran a check of the CT Library Data, and find nothing on the Julian Protectorate. Nor does the Julian Protectorate or League of Antares show up anywhere.

My mistake, it is in the Library Data section of the MT:Imperial Encyclopedia (although I know the League of Antares is mentioned in CT material [definitely in Atlas of the Imperium], I just don't remember where else.

MT:Imperial Encyclopedia
Emperor's List, p.8:

Martin I: Eldest son of Artemsus Born in 12, proclaimed emperor by the Moot in 166, died in 195. Martin had an elder sister, but she did not pursue a career in government. Martin’s reach exceeded his grasp as he attempted to add the coreward Makhidkarun territories (the sectors of Meshan, Mendan, and Amdukan) into the Imperium. These three sectors united under Julian, fought the Julian War (175 to 191), and maintained their independence.

MT:Imperial Encyclopedia
Library Data, p.17:

Antares, League of:
The League of Antares (although itdoes not include the Antares system) is an autonomous region within the Imperium. The worlds were originally pressed into the Imperium in 89 during the Antarean Pacification Campaign. The worlds were occupied by the Julian Protectorate during the Julian War. When regained for the Imperium at the end of that war, the peace terms included a mandate that the League of Antares be given limited autonomy for control of trade, commerce, and internal affairs.

The autonomy of the League of Antares served as a model for the later establishment of the Solomani Autonomous Region.

Also, on the Traveller Wiki:
For Vargr I'd give them the "Loot" as their monetary unit. Easy to pronounce it comes from the phrase "How much can I get with this loot? Hence, the Loot became the official coinage of the realm so-to-speak... :D
I take it that is a book or module. I do not have it. I am not sure if the Euro is going to survive, while I suspect that the Dollar, or at least the term "Dollar" will.

It was the original CT book Alien Module 6: Solomani.

I have no idea as to what this means.

Tlaukhu is the sort of United Nations of the Aslan. It's a large council amongst Aslan clans that has few teeth, but works better than the near-anarchy that the Aslan had prior to it. That quasi-anarchy resulted in several wars according to Aslan history.

I assume that this is derived from Traveller: The New Era. That is not a version that I am particularly enamored of.

The Julian Protectorate is CT. It's probably the largest polity within the Vargr Extents and I would think it the most tolerant and inclusive as well.

With respect to the K'kree, I do not have them in MTU, so just tossing out ideas. I have been to a Potlatch however.

Thanks! I can't see individualistic practices dominating K'kree thought.

I do like your ideas on the Droyne, and I need to give some thought at to using them in MTU. Would that be okay with you? If I do publish a module, I will give you full credit.

Thank you. Enjoy.

Let me know if you get closer and ask for permission then. But, I'll be good with it then. Sci-fi brainstorming is best when shared.

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The Julian Protectorate is CT. It's probably the largest polity within the Vargr Extents and I would think it the most tolerant and inclusive as well.

Where is this mentioned in Classic Traveller?
3rd party supplments.

*** Aramis, isn't the Julian Protectorate (JP) established canon now? ***

There is sort of an unspoken relationship between the Vargr Extents and JP that I can't recall ever reading any explicit mention of... One is obviously some sort of subset or related to the other... But that exact relationship is expressed in different ways...
