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What exactly is in a Medical Kit?


Absent Friend
As the subject asks, what kind of stuff do they have in the big 10kg Medical Kit?

Moreover, what differences would one see in Medical kits from TL7 to TL10 to TL13
and so on.

Yes, I already know about the coffee juice. :rolleyes:
Tech Level 6 - 10, depending on type of kit (professional or emergancy, Civilian or Military)

Mounds of Clean (preferably Sterile) cloth (usually white) Including gauze pads/sponges, Rolls of guaze or cling wrap, Triangular Bandages and Ring Pads (if St. John's trained).

Military personel often carry 'Trauma pads' or 'Battle Dressings' (A sterile guaze sponge with two long gauze sashes for fastening. All in a sealed olive drab package)

Scissors, Shears, Tweazers, Kelly Clamps, Usually surgical steel and sterile.

C-Spine imobilisation Collars in a variety of sizes, Splints and splinting materials of various types (EG 'QuickSplint'(tm) padded, flexible aluminum roll, or 'SpeedSplint, folded, corrigated plastic).

Blood Pressure Cuff (Sphygomanometer) and Stethoscope.

Airway Management devices: Oral Pharangeal arways. (plastic tubes shoved through mouth and down throat), Nasal Pharangeal airways (latex and plastic tubes shoved through nose down throat) Oxygen Masks, Nasal prongs, Tubing and bottled oxygen.

Diagnostic devices: Pulse Oximeters, Blood Glucose Monitors, Cardiac Monitor/Defibrilators

Proffessional kits may contain drugs. (Epinephrine/Adreneline, Nitroglycerine, Military personel in NBC situations will have Injection pens with Atropine)

Ambulance Personel, also have a whole Air/Raft load's worth of Stretcheers, Femur fracture traction devices, Anti-Shock pressure suits, Burn kits, Obstetric Kits, Symptom relief and allergy kits. IV tubing etc.

In the future?

Condensed and more sophisticated diagnostic devices. portable ultrasound X-ray, Computerised Tomography.

Improved dressings/drugs, Synthetic skin sprays, Medical Slow, Low Berths. Nanotech?

hope this helps. If you want to know more...I can elaborate.
Dare I ask...since we have portable densitometers [I forget the TL,
something like 13-15] should we then have portable MRI's.
Think such a thing would be similarly sized?
And would such a thing be usefull out in the field? [shrug]
Originally posted by plop101:
Dare I ask...since we have portable densitometers [I forget the TL,
something like 13-15] should we then have portable MRI's.
Think such a thing would be similarly sized?
And would such a thing be usefull out in the field? [shrug]
May be not manportable, but you could have a small unit as part of the equipment of an ambulance/mobile triage vehicle. It could substitute for an x-ray machine.
by TL15 I imaging you might even have a portable device able to do the full inside body imaging that we see briefly in the movie "Lost in Space"... so you can see on the outside all of what is inside.. might be useful.

of course what is really cool is they are just now apparently starting to develop these things for real.
At tech 13+ many things that are just ideas are possible.

Any sort of portable imaging system would be EXTREMELY useful.

IF you can SEE which bones are broken, which nerves severed which blood vessels torn...If you can locate that severed artery BEFORE you go in to grab it and clamp it....If better yet you can guide a small clamp down an existing entry way to the problem area...

Surgery with tiny tools, minipulators and camera's
all inserted via tubes through tiny incisions is common now. Endoscopic surgry allows ... a gall bladder for example to be removed leaving only four little sitched up holes on the belly and a bit of internal stitching unlike the surgery that preceded which could leave a 10 inch scar.
just dont forget the old fashioned Snake Bite kit - with the new super duper anti-venom serom!!
the stuff that will protect you from intergalitic
2 stepper bites!!! (2 steps and you turn into a puddle of green writhing slim!!!) everyonr knows thay are genically engineered!!! matter of fact COFFEE JUICE will help also - only 22 credit a jug!! see ol Trader jim at the Anchor and Planet!! :D :D :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
TJ's wonder serum Coffee Juice aside (Overboard with it!), there is also a lot of nanotechnology that will be available.
below is a link to DED's site (Sorry DED, shameless plug here fer ya!)

You might want to look at PLop 101, when ya have time.


This one (same site) cover plastic surgery. As the above forum citizens have said, depends on TL available & the $$$ of the ship's owners (PCs or Patrons).

Thanx again!

(Btw TJ, selling CJ as "Vargr Hair Restorer" has had several folks spending time in the Extants, in prison. Might wanna get a liability clause on the label (or hire a good shyster!). The holoimage of you on the Wanted posters there, btw, is rather poor quality, which is why they haven't caught up with you yet.. watch yer back!)
are you saying, good ol boy....Trader Jims , Coffee Juice and snake bite juice, Vargr cure all is nothing but a scam?? i have you know its 30% sheep dip...10% disolved gun powder, 50% vorpalbunny and "aged Vargr entrails" AND 105%
Trader Jims SECRET INGREDIANT!!!! Flat ass Guarenteed to cure.....well you already read the other threads.....and just what the Hell do you mean "over the side with it" this not only a great Medical cure all....its a very good general purpose household and ship cleaner!!! 10,0000 uses!!! the military also use it for a degreaser!!! :rolleyes:
What, no rattle snake venom in it? IF it smells like snake oil, tastes like snake oil, burns like snake oil, then it probably is.
Do you do a vaudville act with floor show while selling it?
I guess you gave a bottle of it to Rabid Vargr. That could explain why he is missing now.
tell you all what....lets do a deal....if you buy 2 bottles of Cure all ill throw in for FREE 2 packs of vargr trojan "intergalitic protectors"!!!
what a deal!!!....after all my Cure All can be use like the old fashoned Viagra!!!! :rolleyes:
TJ wrote:
are you saying, good ol boy....Trader Jims , Coffee Juice and snake bite juice, Vargr cure all is nothing but a scam?? i have you know its 30% sheep dip...10% disolved gun powder, 50% vorpalbunny and "aged Vargr entrails" AND 105%
Trader Jims SECRET INGREDIANT!!!! Flat ass Guarenteed to cure
"Guaran"- teed??? 'Sounds like a Hiver plot to me! Have you BEEN manipulated too? :eek:

".....well you already read the other threads.....and just what the Hell do you mean "over the side with it" this not only a great Medical cure all....its a very good general purpose household and ship cleaner!!! "
Already have a gen-Bilge cleaner, its biotech and the geneered critter gets "all you can eat". Poor fella couldnae stomach CJ tho, so out the airlock it went! 'Sides, Th' Baroness (Our Patrone) woulda shot me if I hadn't.
"10,0000 uses!!! the military also use it for a degreaser!!! "
Musta' swapped shipping labels, I'm sure you can explain it to IMOJ. Its not the lawsuits from vargr that'll bite ye
, its the Across the border non-tariffed pharmaceutical taxes!
Hope yer label printer doesn't go down. By my calculations,you have a week before they show up there.
Degreaser??? In a medical kit? My we digressed! Oops, sorry Plop101!
I did not dgress - my Coffee Juice WILL clean the grease right outta ANY plugged up crew member or Marine!!!! :eek: :eek: Two table spoons and get outta da way --fast!!!! :eek: :eek:
SOunds Like an old Barman's trick I learned to get the drunks out by closin time...2 drops of Visine in his "last call". Speed dialled the taxi. 10 minutes later, he was cured--all over the back seat. Gotta have that visine in the medkit too, for Particulant matter tainted atmospheres.."
--"my life at the Scout Bar,"
the unpublished memoirs of "Shaney Llawe", retired 1112, runs Scout bar on Hefry. Look him up some time willya?
Staying on track, fer a minit...This does look like a good topic for "Most unusual use of medical equipment in a campaign", might it not?
i dont know if this could be called "Medical equipment" but i used a Vacc Suit as a Rapid Decompression chamber in the delivery of a litter of Vargr!!!! boy what a royal mess!!! Mom and all 6 are doing just fine!!!! woof woof!! :rolleyes: :eek: :eek:
Speaking of Vargr in Vacc suits...Had a chance to unusually deploy the Medical side of one of my former Scout characters when some of those "corsairs" dropped by while fixin an engineering challenge on the No. 13 Boat (the one the Scout Service has to change the serial numbers on..words gettin out its a flyin crapper!)
Being a wee few meters away from the autoshotgun, He handily dispensed some anti-Burn coagulant foam (allows gaseous transfer, prevents infection, has mild anesthestic properties, TL-10+ available btw...)to their dog-face(d) plates as they stomped into the Med bay unannounced (He was tracking the umpteenth short running back towards the cockpit, and barely heard the airlock bein' forced). Problem with ABC foam...its sticky! THey gummed up their vision, smeared it about...long enough to do some rolling and sweeping the cabin clear, 18mm Slug-style. The last poor devil could see out the upper corner of his vis plate and headed for the air lock. Sent him off with a ABC foam glued on spare O2 tank. Let him reach his ship 30 meters away, and let the accelerator rifle rip. Pretty blue flash, as I recall. They never sent anyone else over...Smitty finally woke up from his hangover,and unlocked the cabin door and Franz crawled out of the Avionics crawlway. Bastids missed the whole thing!

Don't forget that ABC foam has mmore than one use! You can also smother small fires with it too when the extinguishers go on the blink!"
--another excerpt from
"My Life at the Scout Bar, Shaney Llawe, Scout. retired 1112. Bartender at Hefry Scout bar. Look him up, willya?