A medic bag well I never carried a 10kg bag at (Present Tech 8)more like three bags each between 3kg and 10kg. And I will guess at higher tech levels
Medic -1 Bag (for the basic trained Medic US terms NREMT-B/I)or for the Military 91B10.
Curex for stuffing the holes... tampons work well with GSWs too.
Dressings of various size and shapes. 4x4s, 5x9s,6x6s and the grand mother of the all, the 12x12x1 Trauma dressing.
Sterile Burns sheets-
Saline NaCl .09- For External Use
OB Kit: Claps, Shears, Al Foil ( Helps keep baby warm) Bulb Syringe, varoius little odds for mom and baby.
Cold and Hot Chem. Compress
Scalpel: For that soon to be bothched-Surgical Cricotomy. Or the wild-medic venous cut down for keg stand fuild therapy.
IV Caths and Tubing ranging from peewee 26g to the "Oh F@#k don't stick me with that" 14g, your macro and micro drop sets
IV Solutions: NaCL.09 Saline, D50, - other colloids , Hypertonics, Isotonics and crytaloids.... No RBCs or anything wonderful .. yet the militray carries Hespspan.. great stuff!
Airways:Oral Airways (J tubes, Nasal Trumpets (ariways)
ET Tubes (I prefer the endotrach with triggers higher Nasal Succes rate!)
Suction caths Hard and soft.
Portable suction unit
Chest decompression Kit; Tension Pnuemos etc..
ET kit with handle, Mackintosh and miller blades for oral intubation.
Pen lights: for those Et phone home jokes and Raves oh and the neuro exams... Pupil reactivity.
Bite Sticks
AED for medic-1 Automated External Defibulator .. in other words it shocks you when it read Vfib and Vtach... the computer makes the discision to shock not the operator wieghs about 3-6Kg.
Medic-2 will have the Standard Cardiac monitior for Electro therapy (nice way to say shock'em), external pacing (like a pacemaker for Symptomatic Bradicardia and Heart Blocks) some come with end tidal Co2 monitors ( measures CO2 Tidal volume), most now collect vital sign data, and have Pulse Oximetry.- fun tool to play with.
Varoius Syringes and Needles for injections.
medic-1 will cary Epi 1:1000, Benedryl 50 mg, Nitro, Glucagon, D50, Militray medics: Atropine, Pam 2 cloride, Various Anti-Biotics, Puesdophedrine, Ibuprofen, A sediative for Atropine OD's or Psych patients. and some form of Morphine or synthetic pain killer.
Medic-2 will carry a full range of ACLS Drugs: Coradone, Bertylium, Epi 1:10000, Vaso Pressin, Mag Phos, Calc Cloride, etc... and paralytics: Succstacoline (Sp), Pneurcurion etcc. for RSI.
Don't forget your Asculator (Stethescope and BP Cuff)..
Some Military Medics (IDC, 18 Delta etc.) carry minor surgery kits, chest tubes, sutures trays.. and other things.
That is present day-
in the future:
I envision a Hand computer (like a palm pilot) that does Blood Gas (ABG), CVCs.. all those labs for blood chemistry and PH. It could also have the Xeno Medical guide as software (ie. as a quick reference for delivering Vargr pups... or trying to find a vegans heart to do compressions....
Laser scalpels....
Fibrogen bandages that help clotting wounds...
Tissue incubators for regrowth
Drugs that enchance tissue and bone regrowth and recovery... super steriods.
Designer anti Viral drugs and such
Nano-Surgical robots.. of course guided by the palm Pilot.
hope that is enough.
svw3 NREMT-P/91W20