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What I did on my holidays

Fun? Not Much when you work to pay the doctors to fix a problem that refuses to stay fixed....Oooouch.
I came to the sudden realization that I needed my meds changed to be more effective, mostly because I was no longer operating sanely.

Oh, and drank something which causes me an allergic reaction; 2 days of massive dosages of benedryl, followed by 1 day of purging.
OK, back to the basics. Chicken soup (good old fasioned Jewish remedy for everything). Hey, it couldn't hurt?

My personal favorite is a shot of whiskey with lemon and honey. It does not remove the illness but it does reduce the symptoms to a tolerable level.
I'm way ahead of you - I've been practically living on Jewish penicillin for the last couple of weeks. At least I'm losing a bit of weight...

In that case I will return to the other original alternative to medicine...I will put you on our churches prayer list and turn this bug over to God. That should fix it.

Congrats on the weight loss, I should join you for some soup diet (for about 10 stones worth).
The Butterfly would die if it was realeased from its cacoon without having to struggle to become free.

Your testing is like the author once said, if it doesn't kill you it will make you stronger.

The trouble is it feels like you will die before you finish going through the testing.
Oh, FFS...

Why won't this -ing bug just *FOAD*?!!

Spent the last week in hospital with a temperature through the roof, puking and feeling like crap.

The final score was:

IVs: 4
X-rays: 4
Blood tests: 3
New drugs: 2
Tubes inserted up nose, down throat, into stomach: 1

Oh, and,

Startling discoveries made: 1 - I'm a freaky mutant! Specifically, I have dextrocardia, or, in English, my heart's on the wrong side! More surprising is the fact that it's taken 35 years to spot this...
Originally posted by Andrew Boulton:
Specifically, I have dextrocardia, or, in English, my heart's on the wrong side! More surprising is the fact that it's taken 35 years to spot this...
I've been in nursing for 15 years and have never come across someone with dextrocardia.

It is very odd that it hasn't been picked up on until now. I would've expected your GP to have picked that up early on in life. Hmmmmm...

I'm really sorry you've been ill again. I hope your local hospital can find out what's causing it and do something about it.
You know, Andrew, I think in White Wolf's Vampire, a displaced heart was considered a beneficial trait as it made you harder to stake. Of course, that probably only applies if you are a vampire...

Get well, Chap. Those lovely tubes they stick down you have 'no fun' written all over them, even when they are necessary.
"I've been in nursing for 15 years and have never come across someone with dextrocardia."

1 in 68000 chance, according to the doc.

"It is very odd that it hasn't been picked up on until now. I would've expected your GP to have picked that up early on in life. Hmmmmm..."

X-rays are easy to explain: they just thought they were the wrong way round and flipped them over. Doesn't work with stethoscopes, though...
I know you are in pain but how are your spirits holding up?
We would enjoy saying all sorts of things to cheer you up (even if you don't want to be cheered up...LOL)