subsector guard ie coast guard reserve fleet 15K-5k
Not to derail the thread, but I've never understood why people assume the Reserve Fleet is pirate chasing and grandma-saving.
Small ships are of little use as a "reserve" in wartime.
Large ships are of little use chasing pirates in peacetime.
IMO the "reserve fleet" should be large battlewagons maintained at reduced levels of readiness and manned by reservists for maneuvers and wars.
IMTU the subsector fleet operates small patrol craft AND maintains the reserve fleet of heavy ships and reserve personnel, including monitoring and certifying the Colonial Fleet elements in the subsector. They call up and train reserve personnel, activate reserve and mothballed vessels and call up the Colonial Fleet levy to feed ships and personnel to the sector fleet as well as coordinating convoy escorts and the like with light units at the subsector level.
The subsector also monitors and certifies the Unified Army elements available to levy from member planets. Anyone familiar how the National Guard system works in the US (dual status National Guard units available for federal call up and state militia units NOT available for federal call up) will see how Colonial Fleet and Unified Army elements work IMTU and how they are similar to but distinct from dedicated planetary defense forces.
The Sector Fleet has heavier, newer warships and conducts border patrols, shows the flag and provides local forces for attack and counter attack. The HQ coordinating a major war would be the sector-level fleet command. Many wars were fought and won by sector and subsector fleet elements before Imperial Fleet units could even arrive. Sectors also control most initial training and basing facilities to increase training standardization. Academies and boot camps operate at the sector level. This is what most people think of as "the Navy".
The main Imperial Fleet includes the Home Fleet and Domain Fleets and provides a check on sector fleet commander ambitions as well as providing heavy reinforcements to sector fleets in the event of a major war. The chain of command for Imperial Marine elements also extends all the way to the Domain level. Commanders at lower levels have operational control of Fleet Marine Force units and detachments at various levels, but their chain of command and ultimate loyalty extends all the way to the Emperor.
System and subsector forces are almost entirely defensive in nature and capability, sector forces provide local attack or counter attack capability while the Imperium main punch is held at the Domain and Home Fleet levels... both as a central reserve to the Empire's huge border and as a check on lower level element's ambitions.