Have to agree with Magnus here.
The biggest ships never land, many of the smaller ones aren't streamlined, a ground-sited base would have to be huge, making security of the ships problematic, and the whole idea of having your interstellar military force tied to a ground operation seems ludicrous.
I do see a small-to-medium sized ground installation, a large naval repair/refit yard (if not a shipyard in it's own right) in orbit, several buffered planetoid sentry bases / monitors for the defense of the facility, probably with their own assigned fighter squadrons and high M-and Agility corvettes to keep the wackos/terrorists/spies away.
Around any planet with a decent climate or chance for liberty would have a fairly extensive ground base, and any world with a good food-producing base or TL respectable enough to produce parts and supplies would have an extensive QM / supply procurement / warehousing zone, along with suitable contracts to / ships to lift said supplies to the high base.
The biggest ships never land, many of the smaller ones aren't streamlined, a ground-sited base would have to be huge, making security of the ships problematic, and the whole idea of having your interstellar military force tied to a ground operation seems ludicrous.
I do see a small-to-medium sized ground installation, a large naval repair/refit yard (if not a shipyard in it's own right) in orbit, several buffered planetoid sentry bases / monitors for the defense of the facility, probably with their own assigned fighter squadrons and high M-and Agility corvettes to keep the wackos/terrorists/spies away.
Around any planet with a decent climate or chance for liberty would have a fairly extensive ground base, and any world with a good food-producing base or TL respectable enough to produce parts and supplies would have an extensive QM / supply procurement / warehousing zone, along with suitable contracts to / ships to lift said supplies to the high base.