I'm just fleshing out a system with a mainworld naval and scout base. Most of the (low) population of the planet is centered around the (class B) starport (star city - the only city on the planet).
The starport consists of a central tarmac and surrounding landing bays. A fenced of part of the tarmac and a section of the surrounding ring is occupied by the Imperial Navy (the ground portion of the naval base).
Apart from workshops and warehouses, the naval section houses administration, a branch of a naval academy, a recruiting office and barracks for a small security contingent of Imperial Marines.
The larger part of the naval base is located at the highport, which allows only emergency civilian access. Here we have the central command centers and communication arrays alongside maintenance docks, crew quarters and training facilities. Handling of civilian (unstreamlined) traffic would be handled off the station, most likely in space.
I haven't thought about dependents until now. I always figured they would live in the city, so outside the extraterritoriality of the starport/base, most likely in an adjacent sector.
I figured security would be very tight but mostly passive (barriers, locks and security systems) around the ground part, basically because the local population is - ruled by an imperial noble - not very large - has no standing armed forces. Access to the Highport would be restricted to any non-military personell, except civilian contractors. Space defense would rely on point defense turrets and missiles, relying on security fleets for more punch.
If I go with the points in the opening post (which are very helpful):
0. Naval bases can be ground-based or orbital. Ground-based service ships up to 1000 tons.
Ground based and orbital.
1. Naval bases do have support facilities (e.g. maintenance, repair, refit) for naval vessels (and scrounging).
All major support facilities are 'orbit-side'.
2. Naval bases can have support for Imperial Fleet squadrons.
The base in question is supporting a permanently attached CruRon in addition to passing Cru- and BatRons (barely) of the Subsector fleet.
3. Naval bases do have areas where people (veterans, patrons) may interact.
I would place these areas within the civilian boundaries of the downport, though there may be visitor areas for military and reserve military personell as well as for imperial officials.
4. Naval bases can be supported by local means. Some might need long-term life support.
Due to a lack of a local industrial sector, this naval base cannot be supported by local means. The only exception would be fuel from the sytem's gas giants.
5. Naval bases are probably secure.
As described above.
6. They do not have to be part of the starport, or near it.
In this case the base is part of the starport.