The Corridor in that picture is 2.2 meters high? How tall is the guy? (And how far away from the hatch is he?
He looks like he is about 183cm tall. There appears to be at least half his height again until you get to the top of the hatch. (Making the opening in the neighborhood of 2.7 meters, approximately.) I still routinely use inches, feet and yards, sorry Andrew, wrong side of the Pond.
So my calculations might be off. But isn't 179-182cm typical height for an adult healthy male? (I know I am about 199 and change and not typical. I know my Russian Instructors hated me because when I was studying Russian I called it 2 meters and 100 KG, (Which was really close.) and that made the numbers too easy.
I agree that a 1 meter hatch might be typical in the floor or ceiling, but wouldn't that take up a minimum of 2 meters of deck? (Half meter all the way around for the plates, plus mechanism, which granted could be mounted above and below the plates.)
Now for typical use 1.5 meters, or about 5 feet, is fine for a hallway. Start subtracting things like thickness of walls on either side and things get a little smaller. Now add some bulk for emergency gear and it has suddenly become a very tight space. Space is even more unforgiving that the Sea. Ships have to be designed with things like Vacsuits in mind. I am not saying that 1.5 meters wouldn't work, I am saying it is going to cause issues in an emergency. (And if you look at typical movies and television of starship corridors they definitely appear to be wider. The main corridors anyway, and only Star Trek and Andromeda typically showed tight working access shafts for maintenance purposes. Even Down below on Babylon 5 the hallways were at least 1.5 meters. The corridor running between the Bridge and the Mess (Or is that the Cargo bay, I am not entirely sure.) on Serenity was wide enough for Mal to walk down the center of the corridor, encounter Jayne on his right and without changing course or Zoe' moving out of the way, shortly thereafter Zoe' on the left. Granted the cooridors of Serenity were not rectangular so they could have been a bit tighter on the floor level and wider where people are wider, and Jayne was coming out of a door. So perhaps he wasn't headed down the middle. (Now I have to watch it again.
See what you made me do!
OH and all the ships in Supplement 7 work? OK Interior Airlock door on any of the small craft? Interior and exterior airlock on the Starboard Side for a Far Trader (And the Far Trader, conservatively, is about 350 tons in the plans vs. the stated 200 tons, yet the doors still don't work.)? While all of the ships have these issues these examples are doors that are the main access for Passengers with luggage, search and rescue team entry, etc.