Space is kinda big and you can't look everywhere at once, and at the distances we are talking about from Trav's combat rules (which I intuit might be a bit whacking too far, but whatever).
I was reading bk2 before I went to sleep and came to the same conclusion about range. Missiles don't work at long range, the detection distances are 600,000 km for warships (150,000 km for civilian) and once detected, 900,000 km to maintain contact. The bk2 turn is a 1000 seconds or 17 minutes roughly, which means a missile incoming at 6g acceleration from 600,000 km would need 8.5 turns to make contact (using the travel times from bk2), more than enough turns to knock it down with multiple laser shots. Lasers traveling at the speed of light would cross this distance in seconds, there could be a miss with a smaller ship, as a few meters off could make a difference, though I wouldn't think it would make a difference with huge ships. This is counter intuitive to what HG says in that missiles are long range and beam weapons short range. I have a feeling though that combat speeds won't equal out to travel times, for example a 6g ship (or missile) will travel 60,000 km in a 1000 second turn which comes to 83 minutes to travel 300,000 km, 10 minutes more than the listed travel time, this isn't taking into account continuous acceleration, which to reach 600,000 km per turn it would still be 5 turns (there is still the missing 10 minutes). The calculations for rate of travel are somewhat different, after 4 turns it would have traveled 420,000 km (120,000 km over the 300,000 km mark) at a velocity of 240,000 km per turn for the distance of the 420,000 km traveled in 67 minutes, 6 less than the stated travel time but with an additional 120,000 km traveled.
With the various sensors (Aramis is right, there should be a luminal sensor), the probability is that there would be a range associated detection distance. Missiles would most likely have a multi-sensor guidance package. I can't help to think though that ships would have ways of casting an echo, or outright jamming to prevent being hit, esp at greater ranges. Ship's sensors would do a 360 degree spherical sweep constantly with anomalous readings getting tagged by the computer for an alert or more focus. The question would be how fast it can sweep an area.
A lot to think about.