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What is the Imperium like in YTU?


In the several campaigns I've played, I've seen many different Imperiums, all of which change gameplay and tactics drastically. I've had Star Wars Empire type Imperiums that rule with fear, and a seemingly limitless supply of ships, planets and morons in useless white armor. I've had Andromeda styled fallen Empires, or a dissolving empire that results in Admirals, vying for control... What is the Imperium like in Your Traveller Universe? and please, explain the merits of each system, as I am soon starting another campaign and feel like mixing it up.
I'm running a declining Empire where the local rulers are taking more control of their own areas and using Imerial Fleets for their own purposes. The Admiralty is not yet ready to recognize that they control all the power in their sectors of influence. The rebellion against Imperial force as used by the local nobility is growing. A huge Mercenary fleet exists and is made up of ships (armed mechants as well as war ships) that have been bought, borrowed, stolen or resurected from the Solomani Rim Wars and were thought destroyed by both sides. They may be a little older than current Imperial ships but what they lack in firepower and speed they make up for in numbers. They were acually repaired by the Mercenaries and are available for hire by the Nobility of the Imperium or Governments that can afford the price to fight the Imperium. My fleet is either a heavy single fleet or two undersized fleets of Solomani and Imperial ships. I can either have this fleet be used to put down rebellions in backwater locals, cleaning out pockets of resistance one subsector at a time or fighting single Imperial fleets toe-to-toe. My mercenaries also control several worlds clandestinely and have shipyards on each world. They must soon decide who's side they will support when they become the target of Imperial agression as sponsered by the Nobility.

I am also considering releasing a modified and reduced version of virus into the X boat system to lead the campaign into The New Era. Bringing in the 4th Imperium may be the best adventure yet or the fastest road to total enialation.

The Imperium is huge, old and there are many areas and directons to take these plans.
MTU is purely homebrew and has nothing to do with the OTU, but in some ways it's a cousin to the Milieu 0 from T4. (Well, I did steal many of the aliens, but I ditched the references to the Ancients and any OTU history.) It's not an exact analogue (and it predates M0 by about 15 years) but the major power is a large pocket empire formed from a couple of smaller polities. It's now the 400-kilo gorilla of the region. This presents lots of points of potential conflict, as there are all sorts of neighbors - other, smaller PEs with varying attitudes towards the big ones, independent worlds with the same spectrum of attitudes, and a Big Bad enemy just off-map, rumors of which have been reaching the campaign area for some time. (I use the K'kree for this.

The main campaign area occupies a sector. I've mapped out many of the subsectors around the edges, but it's mostly unexplored territory as far as most people know. While I've never run an exploration campaign off the map as such, PCs did have to chase some pirates down in the relatively uncharted territory once.

The coolest thing about a setting like this is you can do almost anything with it - military campaigns, trade, espionage, pirates, politics, whatever. The scale is also at a good point where players can either be cogs in the machine or major players on the interstellar stage (or at least infamous!)

The biggest PE, the Unity, is a bit more "hands on" than the traditional 3I but has less to work with. I've also eschewed the whole feudal aspect for the Unity - I do use Social Standing, but it doesn't involve titles, fiefs and the lot. (There are a few feudal socities around, though.)

Hope this helps!

It was for the most part a Dark and Evil force in players lives filled with a corrupt nobility who are taking all they can before a revolution would sweep them out. In this way, I was inspired by Blake's Seven and Doctor Who.

However, it was a also a civilizing force on other frontiers and trying desparately to cling on to frontiers which had a tendency to separate and cause all sorts of trouble for the Central government. It had a powerful Armed Forces but relatively weak governance structures between the worlds. It maintained its consent by keeping the population in fear of Alien powers be it the Zhodani, Aslan or the Solomani.

However, then the Rebellion came in and I was never sure where the players ought to play in...for the most part, they were part of Dulinor strike team aimed at destabilization of the Lucan corrupted Empire trying to bring democracy to the worlds of the 3rd Imperium only to discover that the person they thought they wanted to be President wanted to be a King instead (much like Cromwell).