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What looks good about T5...

T5 definitely won't be T20 redux - what would be the point? Of course, I am very set in my ways, but anything that can't borrow the dice from your Monopoly game will not be as universal. Also, d20 will fade - but Monopoly, Yatzhee, Risk, et al will always be around and d6 are ubiquitous.
I have purchased the D20 rules, read some of them, never was interested in playing it.
I have enough work to do without studying a game that I know I will never get anyone to play.
From what I have seen, the roleplaying market has shrunk since D20 has come out.
The rules and mechanics appear too intimidating for any new players, while life takes it's toll on those of us who are the old guard.

The rules that got me hooked on D&D where barely 64 pages, went up to level 3 and did not come with dice - you had to cut up the back cover and pick the chits from a hat.
The origional supplements (including my first encounter with a mind flayer) was in a little grey book, while dragon magazine was still black and white (I remember the first colour cover).

It was not the complexity of the rules that hooked us. It was not fancy pictures nor reams of rules.
It was easy to learn and play. It did not seem difficult. D20, to every 12-14 year old I have talked to, is too difficult to learn and they are more interested in their PS2 or XBox.
Those same kids are now hooked on the 7th edition of Tunnels and Trolls. Go figure. They have raided every boxed game they can find and cleared out the local FLGS of D6's due to the fact that they need to roll some 40 d6's just to figure out one round of combat.

No, D20 is not the way to go. Nor should we go to a huge all in one book. A tin box release ala Fiery Dragon Productions would be perfect. Most of the charts and stuff should be included on a CD but the main rules should be short and concise. Keep the fluff in a deluxe set or, a separite set.

If Marc is going to give an interview, I would ask him if he still plays.
It sounds inflamatory, but, after all these years, with all the good and bad experiences in this market, I want to know if he can find to time to sit down with a few of his friends and just have a few moments of fun.

I would also want to know how he has adjusted over the years to his different careers. Each career shapes a person and their world view. I would like to know from the man who got me hooked into science and tech, if the game has changed him at all.

You see, Marc is a guy like the rest of us, and well, it would be nice to get to hear some of the old war stories and how it fealt to go through interesting times.

Best regards

I asked him. I actually asked him, point blank, when the last time he played Traveller was.

A month or two ago, he refereed Traveller for his two grandchildren (8 and 10). But he can't remember when he last played a "real" game of Traveller.

Since I can spend other people's time freely, I think he could show up at Kurega's game night for a session, up there somewhere between Bloomington and Chicago. What a shocker that would be.

Although, someone did suggest that if he started showing up at game sessions armed with some signed copies of stuff, the jaunts might pay for themselves. Plus a business writeoff. Something.
It would be nice if he would pop up once in a while to join in a discussion of things just like Joe and others have done.

Anybody gets out of line gets smacked with a rolled up newspaper and then promptly ignored.

I would love to hear his side of the last years at GDW and how he has moved on. A little about what keeps him involved or not involved with the Traveller Verse and other such trivia.

Marc is one of the few originals left who started this damn addicting game. I would love to hear the hassels and tribulations he had when he was first thinking it up since he did not have decades of other such games to compare it to.

I always wondered if he was a bit of a programmer and where the hexidecimal approach was picked up.

oh well, I doubt he would swing by the forums, but, I am sure he would recieve a very warm welcome if he did.

best regards

I also think he would do well to show the flag every once in awhile. He did pop in a few times a few years ago, before I was on COTI. I assume there would be a swarm of questions and few answers to give. Joe and Dave did manage to defend a majority of their decisions, though.

Rumor has it that he's not a talkative type to begin with, and I believe it. You have to get him on a subject he's fired up about. For example, the Zhodani Core Route, of all things, spawned a nice, long, productive set of exchanges from its author and Marc. So I guess he's not a showman.

At any rate, even a random drop into a topic could be edifying. I can see it now: an argument over X is well underway, when Marc drops in, states a position, and is gone. Chaos ensues.

That would be cool.
I get the impression MWM doesn't really court chaos, though, robject. (And, yeah, 8-10yos don't have a lot of disposable income to pick up T5 when it comes out....)
Originally posted by robject:
Good point with Msrs. Nilsen and Fugate. Not formal interviews, but the COTIs were well behaved and the interviewees responsive.

More at a Q&A session, wot? Worked out very well, both of 'em did.
I don't mind doing Q&As, but I'm not sure there are any burning questions that remain to be asked of me. : ) And no one has suggested that I be set on fire on the CoTI (as far as I know).
Hi Loren,

Do you have any links to the old interview threads you have been on? I would like to give them a read so that I don't bother you with any repetitive questions.

I do have a question, though, bit of a memory teaser.

Way back in the early 80's (80-82 time period). One of the popular RPG magazines had a half page Traveller article about mapping traveller sub-sectors in 3d using isometric views. I read the article, kept the magazine and it was lost with the rest of my collection when I got divorced.

Now, I am trying to find it, but I can't remember the magazine name. Does a isometric projection of a sub-sector ring a bell with you?

I figure only the old guard would remember such a old piece of trivia.

best regards

Originally posted by Dalton:
Way back in the early 80's (80-82 time period). One of the popular RPG magazines had a half page Traveller article about mapping traveller sub-sectors in 3d using isometric views. I read the article, kept the magazine and it was lost with the rest of my collection when I got divorced.
I know I'm not Loren but I do recall an old White Dwarf article that suggested some ideas of how to map out sectors and subsectors in 3d. I faintly recall one of the diagrams being isometric showing a subsector map with a number of layers to create a 3d effect.

I can't recall which issue it was in. If it sounds like it may be right one I can try and find out for you?

Hope this help.

You are a savior! I kept on thinking it was a Dragon article. Do you know of a way I can find old White Dwarf Articles?

best regards

Originally posted by Dalton:
You are a savior! I kept on thinking it was a Dragon article. Do you know of a way I can find old White Dwarf Articles?
The only place I can think of is eBay. I believe the isssue you are looking for is 73, January 1986. You can check out the cover here <http://home.comcast.net/~exodite/wd_073.html>

Best of look hunting down a copy. WDs come up on eBay on a regular basis. I found three copies in UK.
Originally posted by Dalton:
Hi Loren,

Do you have any links to the old interview threads you have been on? I would like to give them a read so that I don't bother you with any repetitive questions.
The only interviews I remember are one by James Malisewski (sic?) for somewhere on-line and one by Anders Blixt for a Swedish gaming magazine. I don't have urls/links for any of them (try Google for Loren Wiseman interview). I suppose I should, but I still have trouble grokking that people want to go over every word I say like Cold War CIA operatives poring over film of the May Day Parades. : )
Originally posted by LKW:
The only interviews I remember are one by James Malisewski (sic?) for somewhere on-line and one by Anders Blixt for a Swedish gaming magazine. I don't have urls/links for any of them (try Google for Loren Wiseman interview). I suppose I should, but I still have trouble grokking that people want to go over every word I say like Cold War CIA operatives poring over film of the May Day Parades. : )

At least your sense of humour shows through your writing style.

Most of the questions I would have would be about your writing style and technique.

For example, last summer I made the horrible mistake of getting into a discussion about old traveller games with a buddy who was in a play group from many, many years ago.

To make a long story short, we came up with a new game mechanic, got a bunch of people playing, and now, I have been loosing good gaming time trying to get the system documented.

So, now I have lots of playtested rules, with ref's hitting me with ya-but modifications while I have my own chaotic mind jumping all over the place.

I have a very hard time keeping the word count down while keeping the documents understandable.

It seems that the only time I make any progress is when I have to re-explain the system anew. Everytime I explain it, I go back and re-edit the document.

I was hoping that you might have some process or procedure that you do to make the writing process easier.

The big thing is, I am not a game designer and have no expectation to be one. I just want to get the stuff done to keep a promise (one of the biggest mistakes to make, saying yes when you should know better).

I have had alot of help but, well, most of the work has fallen on me and I am hoping to learn some techniques to quickly finish the work.

best regards

And the winner goes to issue#73, which sadly is not part of my WD collection...still trying find that Sex/Pregnancy in AD&D article...that I thought was WD but I am beginning to think that it was in Evil Stevie's rag...

Issue Article
WD 3 News (Oct/Nov 1977): Traveller Boxed Set by GDW mentioned

WD 6 Traveller: Review

WD 9 The Experienced Traveller: Experience System Part 1 - Improvement via skill use (See Part 2 in WD 10)

WD 10 The Experienced Traveller: Experience System Part 2 - Improvement via training (See Part 1 in WD 9)

WD 11 Fire-Arms: 3000 A.D.
The Hand Blaster
The Blast Rifle
Concussion Rifle: Sonic
The L.P.L. Stungun: Low Power Laser
Incendiary Rifle
The Anagun: Needler
The Plasma Blade
Pellet Clip Bracelet: For Pellet Grenades
Pellet Grenades: Explosive, Knockout Gas, Blackout Gas (causes blindness)
The Power Holster: Auto-draw holster for forearm

News (Feb/March 1979): GW Licensed Edition mentioned

WD 13 Expanding Universe: Additions to Traveller Rules, Part 1 (Also in Best of 80)

WD 14 Expanding Universe: Additions to Traveller Rules, Part 2 (Also in Best of 80)
Open Box: Review of Traveller releases by GDW
Mercenary: Book 4
1001 Characters: Supplement 1

WD 15 Expanding Universe: Additions to Traveller Rules, Part 3 (Also in Best of 80)
Open Box: Review of Traveller releases
Judges Guild
Traveller Screen
The Traveller Logbook
Starships and Spacecraft
Animal Encounters: Supplement 2 by GDW

WD 16 Expanding Universe: Additions to Traveller Rules, Part 4 (Also in Best of 80)
Open Box: Review of Snapshot, Rules for simulating skirmishes aboard starships by GDW

WD 17 The Sable Rose Affair: Scenario adaptable for use with Snapshot, compatible with The Kinunir (Traveller Adventure 1)

WD 18 Open Box: Review of releases for Traveller
Dra'k'ne Station adventure for Traveller by Judges Guild

WD 19 Criminals: Alternative livelihood for Travellers

WD 20 Star Patrol: Scout Service in Traveller (Also in Best of 83)
Open Box: Review of Traveller releases by GDW
High Guard: Book 5
The Spinward Marches: Supplement 3
Citizens of the Imperium: Supplement 4

Starbase: Traveller Campaigns (Also in Best of 83)

WD 21 Open Box: Review of Azhanti High Lightening by GDW
Starbase: Glazer Range - Arctic mini-situation

WD 22 Robe and Blaster: Upgrading Aristocracy in Traveller
Starbase: Port Facilities

WD 23 Interview with Marc Miller: Author of Traveller
White Dwarf Interview: Marc Miller, author of Traveller
Open Box: Review of Leviathan, Traveller Adventure 4 by GDW
Starbase: Khazad-Class Seeker Starship

WD 24 Backdrop of Stars: Setting up Traveller Campaigns
Open Box: Review of Twilight's Peak, Traveller Adventure 3 by GDW
Starbase: Laser Sword and Foil

WD 25 The Self-Made Traveller: Optional Skill Acquisition (Also in Best of 83)
Open Box: Review of Mission on Mithril/Across the Bright Face, Double Adventure 2 by GDW
Blowout: Vacc Suits in Traveller
Starbase: The Ship's Library - Fiction source material (Also in Best of 83, also see "Starbase: Ideas for Traveller" in WD 30)

WD 26 Open Box: High Guard (2nd Ed.), Traveller Book 5 by GDW
Starbase: Jump Drive Problems
Amber to Red: Scenario

WD 27 The Imperial Secret Service
Open Box: Review of releases for Traveller
Deluxe Edition Traveller by GDW
IISS Ship Files for Traveller by GW
Traders and Gunboats, Traveller Supplement 7 by GDW

Starbase: On the Cards - Reference System for Weapons

WD 28 The Magic Jar: Converting characters from one RPG to another
Starbase: Sorry - Short scenario
Open Box: Review of releases for Traveller
The Ley Sector by Judges Guild
Marooned/Marooned Alone (Double Adventure 4) by GDW
Library Data (Supplement 8) by GDW

On Target: A Critical Hit System
WD 29 Open Box: Review of releases for Traveller
Fifth Frontier War boardgame set in Traveller mileu by GDW
Sorag: Zhodani organization by Paranoia Press

Starbase: The Mudskipper - A Multi-Terrain Vehicle (Also in Best of 83)
Weed War: Dinorian - Scenario for 2-8 players

WD 30 Androids in Traveller: Career Variant
Open Box: Invasion Earth boardgame set in Traveller mileu by GDW
Starbase: Ideas for Traveller - Source Material
(Also see "Starbase: The Ship's Library" article in WD 25)

WD 31 Prior Service in Traveller: An alternative for generating characters from the Navy and Marines
Open Box: Review of Traveller adventures by FASA
Ordeal by Eshaar
Action Aboard
Uragyad'n of the Seven Pillars
The Legend of the Sky Raiders

Starbase: Additional Detector Systems for Traveller Starships (Also in Best of White Dwarf Articles III)

WD 32 STL: Slower Than Light Ships
Starbase: Striker - Design of Civilian Vehicles

WD 33 Weapons for Traveller
Open Box: Striker, 2nd Ed. - Traveller Miniature Rules by GDW
Starbase: Guns for Sale
Weapon Availability
Weapon Prices

WD 34 Droids: Robots for Traveller
Starbase: Morality in Traveller
The Mahwrs

WD 35 Starbase: ...We have a Referee Malfunction!: Hints and tips for the referee
Green Horizon: A 20th century Traveller scenario

WD 36 An Introduction to Traveller, Part 1: Players and Characters (Also see WD 37, 38 & 39)
Microview: Sector and Starburst - BASIC programs to generate sector maps
Open Box: Review of Traveller Supplements by FASA
Merchant Class Ships - Aslan
Merchant Class Ships - The FCI
Consumer Guide

WD 37 An Introduction to Traveller, Part 2: Refereeing (Also see WD 36, 38 & 39)
Starbase: Striker Design Competition Winner - Drone Vehicle

WD 38 An Introduction to Traveller, Part 3: Scenarios (Also see WD 36, 37 & 39)
Open Box: The Traveller Book by GDW

WD 39 Open Box: Review of Traveller Adventures
Rescue on Galatea
The Trail of the Sky Raiders
Adventure 8: Prison Planet
Double Adventure 6: Night of Conquest/Divine Intervention

An Introduction to Traveller, Part 4: Campaigns (Also see WD 36, 37 & 38)
Starbase: Stand by to Repel Boarders - Starship Security
(Also in Best of White Dwarf Articles III)

WD 40 Assignment: Survey! - Explorer Class Scoutships (Used in The Snowbird Mystery scenario in WD 41)

WD 41 Open Box: Traveller Supplement 10: The Solomani Rim by GDW
The Snowbird Mystery: Scenario (Makes use of "Assignment: Survey! - Explorer Class Scoutships" article in WD 40 and Starbase: The Covert Survey Bureau - An Imperial Intelligence Agency in this issue)
Starbase: The Covert Survey Bureau - An Imperial Intelligence Agency (Used in The Snowbird Mystery scenario this issue)

WD 42 ...to catch a thief...: Crime Prevention, Perpetration and Detection
Microview: Careers in Traveller - BASIC program to generate Book 1 characters

WD 43 Starbase: Vehicle Combat (Also see "Arms and the Man" article in WD 63)
Happy Landings: Starport Design in Traveller

WD 44 On ICE!: Interstellar Charter Enterprises - An Organisation for Traveller Scenarios and Campaigns

WD 45 Starbase: Gateway to Adventure - An Introduction to Traveller Scenarios

WD 46 Worldy Power: Additional Government Types for Traveller (Also in Best of White Dwarf Articles III)
Non-Technological Feudalism
Technological Theocracy
Abstract Supreme Authority
Sample Scenarios Using Non-Standard Governments
Survey Mission
High Lords
Trading Permit

WD 47 Starbase: Aliens

The Phulgk'k'k'k
The Ghashruan

WD 48 Open Box: Traveller Starter Edition by GDW
Database: Computers in Traveller

WD 49 Shuttle Scuttle: Scenario for two opposing groups
Conversions for Space Opera and Laserburn also provided
Refers to "Happy Landings" article in WD 43
Open Box: Review of Traveller releases by GDW
Supplement 12 - Forms and Charts
Supplement 13 - Veterans
Adventure 9 - Nomads of the World Ocean

Starbase: A Fleeting Encounter - Book 2 Fleets

WD 50 A Few Small Formalities: Red Tape in Traveller
Open Box: Tarsus scenario for Starter Traveller by GDW
Microview: Have Computer, Will Travel - BASIC Programs for Vehicle Design
Striker Vehicle Components Record
Speed of Vehicle with Wheels and Grav unit

WD 51 Starbase: Extending UPPs for NPCs

WD 52 To Live Forever: Immortallity in Traveller

WD 53 Open Box: Book 6 - Scouts by GDW
Starbase: Three of a Kind - NPCs for Traveller

WD 54 The Name of the Game Part 3: A Beginner's Guide to RPGs - Sci-Fi RPGs
Open Box: Adventure 11 - Murder on Arcturus Station by GDW

WD 55 The Edge of Infinity: Variant Universes in Traveller

WD 56 Plying the Spacelanes: Ship Encounters in Traveller

WD 57 Open Box: The Traveller Adventure by GDW
Sky Rig: Scenario for 3-6 Characters, requires Books 1-5
Starbase: The Staurni - An Alien Race for Traveller

WD 58 Microview: Grow Your Own Planets - BASIC Program
For a Few Credits More: Money in Traveller

WD 59 Starbase: CORE - Consulary Office of Reconnaisance and Exploration

WD 60 Boarding Stations: Hints and Hazards for the Professional Privateer in SF RPG

WD 61 Starbase: The Motivated Traveller - Character Goals

WD 62 An Alien Werewolf in London: Scenario for 2-4 players from Imperial Intelligence

WD 63 Arms and the Man: Or, How to Kill Vehicles (And Stop Your Vehicle From Being Killed)
Follow-up to "Starbase: Vehicle Combat" article

in WD 43
Starbase: Imperial Trooper

WD 64 Open Box: Adventure 12 - Secret of the Ancients by GDW

WD 65 Open Box: Traveller Modules by GDW
Aslan, Alien Module 1
K'Kree, Alien Module 2
Vargar, Alien Module 3

Smile Please: A Unique Traveller Adventure
Starbase: The Other Imperium - Civilian Organisations in Traveller

WD 67 Starbase: Worldy Wiles - Social Customs in Traveller

WD 68 Lone Dragon: A Traveller Scenario for 4-7 Characters
The Travellers Comic: Stats for Horatio Flinn and Syrene Medusa

WD 69 Starbase: Battle Stations - Ship Combat Damage
The Travellers Comic: Stats for Hannibal Jeremiah Hayes and James 'Mad Gav' Gavin

WD 70 The Travellers Comic: Stats for Jason Dinalt and Felix
Dead or Alive: The Bounty Hunter as a Career in Traveller

WD 71 Avionics Failures: Losing Your Long-Range Eyes
Tower Trouble: A Traveller Adventure for 3-6 Characters

WD 73 Starbase: 3-D Space

WD 75 Mass Media: Communication in Traveller

WD 82 Mercy Mission: A scientific Traveller Adventure

WD Best 83 The Best of Starbase: suggestions from the Traveller column
GGG1 (The Good Games Guide 1 Winter 85-86) Traveller: a guide to this SF RPG

Dalton when it comes to searching & indexing you know that you don't have to go far. Contact the Merril collection...they may have the WD that you could then photocopy when you are back in TO.
I have not been able to see the article again, even knowing it's source has not helped.
I have done what any good engineer would do, I went back to first principles.
Now, I am working out the display parametres and I have started a thread in the Lone Star forum.

Anyways guys, thanks for the help.

Loren, If you ever read this thread again, any writing tips would be very welcome.

Oh, and by the way, do you ever get a chance to play the game anymore?

best regards

Originally posted by Dalton:
To make a long story short, we came up with a new game mechanic, got a bunch of people playing, and now, I have been loosing good gaming time trying to get the system documented.

So, now I have lots of playtested rules, with ref's hitting me with ya-but modifications while I have my own chaotic mind jumping all over the place.

I have a very hard time keeping the word count down while keeping the documents understandable.

It seems that the only time I make any progress is when I have to re-explain the system anew. Everytime I explain it, I go back and re-edit the document.

I was hoping that you might have some process or procedure that you do to make the writing process easier.
At some point you simply have to say: "No more 'Ya-but . . . ' changes are allowed -- especially by yourself. Otherwise you have the infinite regression thing you are going through now. Stop polishing and declare it finished.

It will not be "perfect" -- nothing ever is. It will be done, however, which is equally important.
Originally posted by Dalton:

Loren, If you ever read this thread again, any writing tips would be very welcome.
My technique consists of pounding my head against the keyboard until words appear on the computer screen.

Years ago, when I first heard about a thing called "writer's block" I ran my finger down the list of symptoms and concluded that I was like that all the time. Writing for me is like pulling teeth. So on those occasions when the words are flowing, I have learned not to stop . . . not for the phone, not for anything I don't have to . . . because I might not be able to get the flow started again.

Oh, and by the way, do you ever get a chance to play the game anymore?

Not much. I don't play RPGs for relaxation -- the last actual RPG where I was a player was Dark COnspiracy (I think).

I am a tabletop minis gamer, so I paint figures, build terrain/scenics, and push lead from time to time.
Hi Loren

Originally posted by LKW:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Dalton:

Oh, and by the way, do you ever get a chance to play the game anymore?

Not much. I don't play RPGs for relaxation -- the last actual RPG where I was a player was Dark COnspiracy (I think).

I am a tabletop minis gamer, so I paint figures, build terrain/scenics, and push lead from time to time.
</font>[/QUOTE]I started out as a roleplayer but life always seemed to go against keeping a play group going. The longest time that we had a regular play group going has been about 2 years (and that was an exception, not the rule).

What kept our group together was 6mm gaming and a collectable card game called "Vampire:The Eternal Struggle". Now, Babylon5 A Call to Arms (miniature based space combat) and Starship Troopers the miniature game seem to dominate out non-roleplaying time.

My wife now gets to role-play more than I do since she has taught all the women at her church and they do that instead of the regular party games when they get together. (she has me do all the prep work though, she hates paperwork).

She never role-played before the summer and now she critiques my writting.....

Thanks for the advice about writting. My biggest problem is that I have a horrible case of diarea of the keyboard. Lots of text is produced, and most of it is &&&&... I don't have a writers block, wish I had a bit of one to act as a bit of a filter.

What miniature games are you into?

best regards
