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What looks good about T5...

Originally posted by Dalton:
What miniature games are you into?
-- WWII in the Pacific, Land based (Rules used are Frank Chadwick's Command Decision).

-- Assorted skirmish games, considerable variation in time and place. Most recently, I'm enamored of Bob Murch's Pulp-era stuff (www.pulpfigures.com), but I can't afford to buy any right now. Fiddling around with my own skirmish rules . . . doesn't everybody?

-- Painting some DBA armies . . . in my copious free time (I've had the figures for years) -- nothing finished yet.
Originally posted by kafka47:

WD 43 Starbase: Vehicle Combat (Also see "Arms and the Man" article in WD 63)
Happy Landings: Starport Design in Traveller
"Happy Landings" had a huge influence on how I view downports.
Originally posted by robject:
"Happy Landings" had a huge influence on how I view downports.
Ditto. It brought home the scale to me. Don't think big. Think HUGE.
I never had the opportunity to see the 'happy landings' article.

Does anyone have a spare copy or a link to where I can purchase it?

best regards

Originally posted by Nellkyn:
Originally posted by Dalton:
[qb]You are a savior! I kept on thinking it was a Dragon article. Do you know of a way I can find old White Dwarf Articles?
Some of the articles are on the HIWG CD ROM. I'm not sure of how to order it. I got a copy from someone on the TML in 2000.

From Loren[...] So on those occasions when the words are flowing, I have learned not to stop . . . not for the phone, not for anything I don't have to . . . because I might not be able to get the flow started again.
I second that. Whenever I write essays for university, no matter the subject, I need like month to formulate a good thesis, make up my mind and actually get into the mood of writing. Before that, I simply can't come up with anything that makes sense or satisfies me. The actual writing starts only a week before the last handing-in date, writing takes about 2 days for 20 to 30 pages. After that I rest some days and then correct.
Never worked diffrent, always got me good marks...

Some people are just dead crazy. ;)


PS: Hi to Laura. ;)
Other aspects of my approach to writing are:

- Whatever I am working on, I want to be working on something else.

- I am never completely satisfied with anything I write -- while I am writing it. Everything seems flawed, imperfect, and totally without redeeming value. After it has been published, and I've been away from it for a month or two, I can read something I've written and start to see the good aspects of it.
Yes, but I would usually like to change things a bit after a while. But as was already said, at some point you need to finish your stuff and move on. Nothing's perfect, but usually I can't complain I wouldn't have had the time to do a good job. People are sometimes to gracious to me.

Which reminds me of two essays I need to produce for ancient history and Renaissance literature. Hmmm... And I should definately start thinking about my doctor's thesis... After my vacations; of course. ;)

I find myself currently doing a lot of writing... working on a masters in elementary ed... and I'm always surprised by the A's I'm getting. UoP uses +&- steps (A, A-, B+, B, B-, etc...).

I can blame part of that squarely upon the COTI... I've done more "persuasive writing" on here than anywhere else; some for playtest (T20, T5), others simply for the fun of the discussion.

People like Thrash and Dr. Skull have helped me hone my argument skills in ways my undergrad program couldn't; they, Leroy Guatney, and Ken also helped me via the TML in practicing it while in my undergrad, back in the 1990's. Writing is a skill, that like most, improves with practice.

I, like Loren, ignore everything else when I am writing, unless it would interfere with the day-job...
Yepp, I write all day and even don't eat much. After 10 hours of working (minimum) maybe take a break, but that's it. On the other hand it's easy to produce 10 or more pages of good work, including footnotes and stuff. So it needs only one more reading or so, usually.


I write to release preasure.
I am not very good at it and my brain is always faster than the keyboard, thus leaving whole thought processes missing.

I work an 10 hour day, and I have 3 hours of commuting. I manage a group of developers, while working for a company where I have alot of responsibilty but no authority.

I also have the bad habit of not being able to shut my brain off. I will be working out one problem while dealing with another. This has a habit of causing my writing to be erratic.

Sometimes I hit a golden moment and everything just flows. It is rare, but, it makes all the struggling I go through the rest of the time, worth it.

I am a high school drop out, self taught in everything I do.

I am currently using these boards to improve my writting skills so that maybe, when I am gone, there might be one or two ideas the last beyond me.

best regards
