About 2% is hardy “usury” (my only ‘nitpick’ in everything you had to say).
I object to needing to pay for 240% of the base purchase price in order to finance a starship.
Only subsidized merchants can carry mail.
This is a fallacy.
Subsidized ships are public services.
But there can be private couriers too.
Yes, yes ... I know ... the LBB2.81, p9 entry literally reads:
Mail and Incidentals: Subsidized merchants may receive mail delivery contracts, usually as an adjunct to their established routes. Five tons of ship cargo capacity must be committed to postal duty on a full time basis, the ship must be armed, and a gunner must be a part of the crew. The starship is paid Cr25,000 (Cr5,000 per ton of postal cargo area) for each trip made, regardless of the actual mail tonnage carried. Such tonnage will not exceed 5 tons per trip.
And yes, I see that the first two words in that entry are "Subsidized merchants" ... but notice the phrasing used.
Subsidized merchants -->
MAY<-- receive mail delivery contracts.
It doesn't say -->
ONLY<-- subsidized merchants -->
CAN<-- receive mail delivery contracts.
It's kind of like me saying that "people who go swimming MAY drown" ... which is true (because some people who do go swimming do indeed drown) ... but then extending and extrapolating from that to understand that "ONLY people who go swimming CAN drown" ... which is clearly not the case (people can drown in 2 inches of water depth, which is less than what is needed to swim in). People can drown in bathtubs too small to swim in (for example) and they did not drown because they were swimming, yet they still drowned.
Likewise, you can truthfully
claim to NOT be the murderer who killed the victim because the last time you saw them the victim was quite alive ... which sounds on the face of things to completely exonerate you of suspicion (right?). Such a claim, even if true(!), can still include circumstances such as putting the victim (alive) into a death trap, which you put into motion and then walk away from, while the victim is still alive (the death trap kills them after you have left) ... so that your claim that the victim was still alive when you last saw them is indeed true, while neglecting to include the extended circumstances that were entirely your fault for killing the victim.
Same deal here.
Subsidized merchants
MAY be set up with mail contracts to carry mail within their route jurisdiction ... and here are the starship requirements to meet the requirements needed for that to happen (5 tons dedicated cargo space, must be armed, must have a gunner as crew). So the statement is INCLUSIVE (subsidized merchants MAY) without being EXCLUSIVE (ONLY subsidized merchants CAN).
The limiting factor is the
mail delivery contracts involved ... not the "subsidized merchant" status as a make or break point on whether or not you can get the contract(s) involved ... and the starship outfitting standards. A subsidized merchant will have the contract arrangements for mail drawn up by the subsidizing government, so obtaining the mail delivery contracts "is done for you" (if you want it) as part of your subsidy agreement. However, it would be the height of arrogance to assume that such mail delivery contracts
cannot be obtained in any other way than via a subsidy agreement.
Kind of like assuming you need to own a starship in order to buy speculative cargo so as to ship it to other star systems for sale.
That is an obviously wrong assumption, given the fact that as a starship-less merchant (wannabe prince) ... if you've got the credits you can buy a speculative cargo just like anyone else and then book cargo space and passage on a starship to another star system in order to control the sale of your speculative cargo in another star system.
My point being that PRIVATE (meaning: not subsidized) mail courier services ARE going to exist.
It makes no sense for them to be limited to public subsidies exclusively and only.
If a private company wants to get in on the mail delivery contract "game" they can ... it just isn't going to be done "for them" by a subsidizing government, that's all. Representatives of your company will need to go around to the various worlds to set up the necessary (private) contracting for mail services and then once that is done you can deliver mail to each world that you've contracted with.
Kind of like unlocking flight points or travel points in computer RPGs (almost all published after 1981, with most MMORPGs getting published more than 20 years after 1981).
You have to visit the flight point (go there first) and talk to the contact NPC before you can unlock it for a right to return to it later. Once you've unlocked the destination, you can travel to it. It's sort of the same thing with mail delivery contracts, I reckon. You can't just show up with a pile of mail without a contract giving you permission to deliver mail ... but once you do have a contract, you can deliver mail to that location from elsewhere (anywhere else, really) because you've been "vetted" for mail delivery to THAT world.
So if I've got a privately owned J1 Free Trader (for example) ... and I want to deliver mail to the 3 star systems within 1 parsec of Regina/Regina/Spinwards Marches ...
... as a privately owned ship I need to first GO to Ruie, Jenghe, Hefry and Regina (sequencing doesn't really matter) so as to "unlock the right" to deliver mail to each of those systems via obtaining a mail contract granting my ship permission to deliver mail to each of those systems. Once such permission is granted by each system, after that my ship can make mail deliveries to each of the systems I've got a mail contract with (provided my ship maintains the 5 tons dedicated cargo space, armed and gunner in crew minimum conditions).
A subsidy will grant you those contracts before you visit those systems, since it's all handled through the subsidizing government ... but that's not the ONLY way to obtain those rights to deliver mail. You can just "go there" yourself and set them up by registering as a private entity, the trick is that it won't be done for you before you visit the first time.
Hope that makes sense.