Yes, and I quoted the written conflict in the rules.
And promptly misunderstood the implications AND the correct interpretation.
If there is a conflict then one part has to overrule the other. Which?
That requires understanding the INTENT behind the rule.
I gave you that INTENT ... on a platter.
I'm still waiting for comprehension to dawn.
The specific rule says that jump drive capacity has "no specific effect" on passage price to a destination.
That can only be true if passage prices are per parsec
which cost is constant regardless of how many jumps are taken to get there
on a minimum distance path.
And this is where you've made your mistake.
Let's use a concrete example to make the mistake obvious.
Let's say you're wanting to transport goods from Regina/Regina to Hefry/Regina.
It's only 1 parsec away, so the pricing should be 1 jump/1 parsec ... according to you.
But if that's the pricing system ... per jump or per parsec ... a
less than scrupulous captain of a J3
Type-M Subsidized Liner could pull one of these moves ...
So although Hefry is only 1 parsec distant from Regina, if the pricing scheme is allowed to be
either per jump OR per parsec then there are OBVIOUS WAYS ARE OBVIOUS to game the system and bill double (J2) or triple (J3) the price to transit a single parsec to the destination.
Remember ... the tickets for passengers are from Regina to Hefry.
The bookings for cargo are from Regina to Hefry.
But if ships can bill per jump or per parsec
the ship travels (emphasis added for obviousness) then they have every incentive to "game the system" and take longer to get where they are supposed to be going because they can bill more for the trip.
The only way ... I repeat, because it seems to be needed ...
THE ONLY WAY ... to prevent such degeneracy "gaming of the system" for billing is to book cargo and passengers
If the billing is done
from port of call to port of call ... then the "jump drive capacity has no specific effect" other than putting the destination within range
IS TRUE. The pathing taken between the two ports of call DOES NOT MATTER. If a captain wants to go "the long way around" and waste time (and fuel and life support and crew salaries) between points A and B, that's their choice ... but they aren't going to be getting paid extra because they made the journey longer.
Pricing per jump OR per parsec invites, encourages and even rewards

degenerate abuse of the rules.
That's why you don't bill that way as a Referee.
That's why the correct interpretation is
FROM PORT OF CALL TO PORT OF CALL ... full stop ... because the port of call to port of call interpretation leaves no "wiggle room" for abusive degenerate gamer behavior to take root and flourish.
And before you say that "no one would be stupid enough to triple bill a J1 hop like that" you need to recognize the kind of min/max gaming mentality that you're inviting to the dance.
Your options are:
- Get paid once in 2 weeks.
- Get paid twice in 3 weeks.
- Get paid three times in 4 weeks.
Guess where the financial incentives are pointing?
1 per 2 (J1) ... or 2 per 3 (J2) ... or 3 per 4 (J3).
Only you can help stamp out abusive degenerate gamer behavior.
Care to join the club?