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What settings would you like to see for Traveller?


Well, the Imperium is where it will all begin, obviously, and we also know that Starship Troopers and the 2000AD settings are in the pipeline too.

But what else would you like to see done with the game?

For me, there are three settings that would get me excited:

Blue Planet - A brilliantly realised setting, based 'hard sci-fi' concepts and a massive attention to detail. Cyberpunky in tone and, politically speaking, a nice counter-point to Starship Troopers, I think. BP never quite made it as a stand-alone product - partially for it's complexity, partially because it didn't quite sell the system enough. Yet it would be a great licence for jaded (Imperium) Traveller fans to delve their brains into.

Battlefield Evolution - Mongoose doesn't even need a license for this one, as they already have it for their wargame. But surely, the Traveller rules as have been so far presented, would be ideal for a near future, gritty, modern militaristic game? Perhaps the rpg setting could focus more on covert/espionage stories, but above all, that'd be a setting I've been searching for for quite a while actually. Beyond D20 (and SpyCraft) we don't have many games around that can do this at the moment.

Dune - Well some people might think it's pie in the sky, but I can hope!

The other licenced setting I can think of, of 'Holy Grail' proportions, and which could utilise the Traveller rules would be Star Trek.

What settings do you want?
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Star Trek: unlikely, for the immediate future at least, since Decipher has a least two more years on their license. Which, despite the lack of product, is likely to be renewed if they get to renew the card games license.

Further, GURPS Prime Directive is a decent Classic-Trek-Era game, if you replace the word "Marine" with "Security" and ignore Mr. Cole's rants about Gene's lack of military experience. and the GPD license never expires.

Dune: Honestly, I'd rather see it with a points based system. And a more rules-light system than Trav tends to be. And Brian Herbert was involved in the development of the LUG one. Aside from LUG's flawed task system, it's a great set of rules.... and fleshed out the setting just a bit more.

Blue Planet: It didn't thrill me as a setting, and it was quirky and hard to read rules-wise. But it might do well under a mongoose touch.

My setting suggestions for a TSRD based game would all entail some major revamps in CGen.... and also available tech.

A Car Wars Knock-off simply because it was fun.
SLA Iundustries: a cyberpunkish industrial-hell world with a corporate government. TL is about 9, maybe 10, but different assumptions about tech.
Reichstar:a "what if the NaZi had won WWII"... it presumed the 3rd Reich nuked the US to get them out of the war. ABout Traveller TL10, set in 2300...
Ogre/G.E.V: SJG's unlikely to cooperate... especially since GURPS: Ogre was released.
REALLY showing my age here, but does anyone else remember the parody...

Cattlestar Overactica?

Extra points if you know what show it appeared on and why that is important in October 2007...
REALLY showing my age here, but does anyone else remember the parody...

Cattlestar Overactica?

Extra points if you know what show it appeared on and why that is important in October 2007...

Seems like it might have been in Mad Magazine. We don't get a lot of media of any sort in the Pocket Universe, so I could easily be mistaken.
Echo wrote:

Battlefield Evolution - Mongoose doesn't even need a license for this one, as they already have it for their wargame. But surely, the Traveller rules as have been so far presented, would be ideal for a near future, gritty, modern militaristic game? Perhaps the rpg setting could focus more on covert/espionage stories, but above all, that'd be a setting I've been searching for for quite a while actually. Beyond D20 (and SpyCraft) we don't have many games around that can do this at the moment.

Surely this should be renamed Striker Evolution...
Cattlestar Overactica

Seems like it might have been in Mad Magazine. We don't get a lot of media of any sort in the Pocket Universe, so I could easily be mistaken.

Nope it was the "Donny and Marie Show" back in the 70s and it is important now because Marie Osmond is on "Dancing with the Stars".

Lorne Greene was the guest star and they cast played members of the Cattlestar Overactica trying to get their "herd" to "Texas" it was sort of a Bonanza/Galactica spoof. Very funny as I remember (it as 30 years ago).
Let's see:

2320 AD
Hammer's Slammers
Honor Harrington
Centauri Knights
Babylon 5
Blue Planet
Alien Universe
Closer to a Traveller theme...

A Near Space Campaign (years leading up to 2100) lots of international rivalry to create the Jump Drive to take mankind to the Stars and a conspiracy at the root of it all. A type of X files with aging geratric nazis running around in a spycraft/Moonraker world to aid or help mankind reach the stars.

A series that could be grafted onto the Ancient milieux, Marc has indicated that this would be akin to Lensmen

A cyberpunk 2020 milieu but set on multiple worlds.

Noble Houses, a feudal setting that would take the history of France or Japan and put it into the distant future or simply be a sourcebook on the rise and fall on not English feudalism.

Red Dawn, what if the Soviets won the Cold War by exhuasting American military spending & putting a Man on the Moon first and persuaded much of Western Europe to join a bloc non-aligned with Eurocommunism even taking root in the Russian heartland making Perestroika & the Prague Spring a success. The Soviets being the power in space and the rest of the world relaying on their own initiatives to take back the skies.

Nazi Dawn, similar to above but what if V4 rockets bombed New York City, Washington DC, Montreal, Ottawa in 1944 forcing an American surrender.

The worlds that Elizabeth Moon has created...although, I like her writing I cannot see an RPG in it.

Blue Planet Expanded Universe - surely the wormhole must go further than Earth & Pseodion
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Alan Dean Foster's "Humanx Commonwealth" would be a really nifty RPG setting, IMO. It's very much old-school space opera with a lot of inventive stuff strewn about the universe to play with.

Also, I think the TV series "Andromeda" would be a good RPG setting also. Post-fall Systems Commonwealth isn't that too far afield from post-fall TNE-era Third Imperium, really in terms of storyline. Plus, you get the sentient starships to play with.
GURPS Commonwealth wasn't bad. But it wasn't great, either.

Andromeda wouldn't be bad, except it appears to be TL18-20 or so.