This is my first reply to a string ever so be kind.
I've always been interested in futuretech and advanced materials technology.Wouldn't know how to incorporate these ideas into T20 but i ve had these in my campaigns.These are nice goodies/gimmicks for players or npcs(npcs are better so they are one of a kind and cant be duplicated thus preventing unbalancing Ie.everybody has them now

)and well within theoretical limits
1.metal melee wpn with enhanced power pack(doesnt have to be powerful and can be one charge item) that gives energy pulse on frequency/amp? that gives grand mall seizure when hits nervous system(we are talking micro voltage for humans)

.This could be used with higher tech stun guns and batons to explain better effects.Squirt gun stunners using water(think super soaker)as carrier for electrical charge could also be used.
additionally item could have 2 effects grand mall and short circuit(emp) for those pesky robots with lasers that give everyone fits.This idea comes from an antho by DEan Ing:firefight 2000 I believe,THey also postulated radio frequency grenades that had the same effects on humans but i figure stun/squirt gun contact would be more plausible(easier to do)
2.Sten knife-a special knife with an edge less than 15 molecules thick,weight of knife blade alone will cut diamond easily
.Only possible with a crystalline metal that"grows" in an exotic atmosphere.Metal properties prevented normal milling,a virus was used to cut it.This was in a book written by allan cole and chris bunch called sten(series about 8 books<excellent scifi)Capabilities of knife were so nasty it was sheathed in same metal

.It was very similar to Jedi fighting normals with lightsaber(cuts arm off and sword in half,cuts hand off and goes 16inches into torso etc.).Exotic knife exotic milling,I made it cr 200,000 for a rich merchant, very intimidating.Oh i almost forgot sten had it hidden in his arm under skin and muscle when a certain nerve was used it dropped into his hand.
Ihope these ideas give u guys some grist to chew on id also like to hear how it would work in T20.
I just love the idea of atacking someone in hvy armor with a blade weapon and actually hurting them,the perverseness and terror of the situation.. just really well, appeals to me.
Imagine..A big imperial marine in bd with a fgmp-15,a lone black garbed soldier with a knife.The knife begins to glow or vibrate and spark..scene pans to a 500kg piece of trash laying in the street because his suit has been shorted out or the knife penetrated and connected to his system and he folded like a sack of potatoes.Just a thought let me know what u guys think,srry its so long